Today I appeared again with a new post. Today I will share with you some wild flower photography.


I joined you for some time after eating Sehri in the morning and made some commentary. also I headed towards the synagogue for Fajr prayer. Came home and slept for a while also woke up and left for guiding again. After guiding moment, I went to Amin Pharmacy to get drug for Mezo Dada. Amin Pharmacy is the largest store in our Gangni Bazaar. After taking the drug, I wandered around the request with my friend for some time moment. My friend finished her Eid shopping moment. After that I came home from there and finished the bath and left for the synagogue to perform the Zuhr prayer. After coming home from the synagogue , I was sleeping on the bed. also I woke up and finished Asr prayer. I took a little walk in the autumn, also after finishing Iftar and soliciting, I sat down to partake the post with you. In fact, I'm participating the post with you that the body feels veritably tired during the month of fasting. Actually working on my Bengali blog community makes me feel good about myself. But let's partake moment's post with you




still, you can see that I've participated with you the first Dahlia flower photography moment, If you look at the picture over. In fact, I love to see a dahlia flower in every flower. Actually I collected the photography of these flowers from within Banshbaria Farm. I went to Banshbaria substantially to my uncle's house and from there I went to see the ranch. I went there and collected several photos, moment I'm going to partake those photos with you. I hope you'll like each and every photography. Actually dahlia flowers come in different colors but I liked dahlia flower of this color. Now if you look at the picture above you can see that I've collected and participated with you veritably beautiful macrocosm flower photography. Actually this macrocosm flower can be seen in different colors. I also saw different colors of macrocosm flowers in that ranch but moment I'm participating with you only white macrocosm flower photography. In fact, this ranch is a government form in Banshbaria vill. Seeds of colorful types of crops are produced from then. There's a veritably beautiful demesne inside this ranch. numerous people from numerous places come to visit this ranch.





Now, if you look at the below picture, you can see that I've participated the photography of rose flowers with you in a veritably beautiful way. We all are relatively familiar with this flower. In fact, flowers are symbols of beauty. Rose flower is preferred by everyone more than other fruits. And every person is relatively attached to this flower. Rose flowers are available in different colors but I saw only red rose flowers there. So I've participated a beautiful red rose flower photography with you. history was a vacation on Friday. I supplicated in the autumn. After that I allowed that moment the rainfall is relatively good, let's take a walk from the swash bank before iftar. I walked to the swash bank. After a long day, the terrain felt good for me because I went to the swash bank. I saw a unheroic mustard field on the bank of the swash. Mustard flowers look amazing. I mugged mustard flowers. After that I tried to find commodity different. Looking around trying to find commodity new. I saw after a while.




notions and colorful insects swarm over the flowers. And collecting honey from mustard flowers. I was fascinated by these scenes. I did my own videography. After that I wandered around the swash for some time. I love spending time by the swash. After that I headed home beforehand before Iftar. I came home in a while. This was my plan for moment. My videography is flowers and insects. I've participated the videotape link below. Hope you all will like it after watching the videotape. I said farewell then moment. I wish everyone to be well and healthy always. This was my arbitrary photography of some wild flowers. Hope you like it. Thank you all for taking the time to view my post. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you latterly with commodity new.

Device. OPPO-A16
