


After a certain age, it becomes very difficult to fall in love. Just looking at a beautiful face does not make you fall in love with someone. Before you like someone, use family. Career mentality. Personality is another factor. Again, he thinks that he is single, he still can't forget the date, he is eating too much trouble, he is eating phukka, he is stuck in the corner of the street, his eyes are closed, his age of falling in love is over. It feels good and four people can go here and save their hands. Uskokhusko hair old clothes. Just wake up and take a look like fulco luchi. I can go and stand without hesitation. I fell in love with something at that age.

I need to know that you are in a lot of trouble. Numerous cheaters have come into your life and ended your life. I need to know that you don't sleep at night. I have to sit and cry. Your beautiful voice has become itchy. I can't stand silently beside you knowing my dreams and sorrows. I would never call a five or six month old love a brand new relationship. It's a kind of special relationship between two people. It only takes a long time to get to know one person. No one can be known. You will see the good aspects of the person, you will come to an understanding, his real aspects will be revealed gradually because acting cannot be done for a long time and those who think he is much better at the beginning of the relationship. She loves me so much. He is a different person.
After a few days he has changed. He doesn't talk like before. He doesn't take long to come up with ideas like before. So when a love breaks up after five or six months. - Check yourself to see if you can cope with the bad ones. Love people will never have some people. All that is really big is to express what you have to them, because honest love complements good. Saying I love you doesn't mean love, so posting every day doesn't express love He will keep on whispering to say the words until he says everything and he will not have any peace until he shares everything. He who loves you will love you in every moment of your day. Crying

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Can't wake up in the morning, walk out on the mobile under the pillow, he will look for you, Asifa will suddenly think of you in the gap of work, well, what is he doing? He just smiles. Removing his Kandari Medina will really make you laugh and make you cry and then gently wipe away the tears from your cheeks. Love is hard. Understanding the meaning of love. Keep him in such a way that he does not go away. In the past he could never give peace to the present. If he could, no one would ever suffer in the past. He has never been in the past. Finding means hurting the present man, that no matter how good he may be, he is always close to the present, for the trivial reason that you have the present, he knows your past and you know everything yesterday. The day


No matter how good it is for you, no matter how good it is today, no matter how good it is today, if you want to always be good with the present people in the case of insignificant people tomorrow, don't give the past to anyone in the relationship. For good things never come to pass. Intelligent people never fall into the past. They have two present and future lives. Love them so much now. Take care so that they will never be your past. Call list or inbox luchida with your mobile first when you wake up then you will understand that it is running after your mirage when your chest is frightened by the sound of call or text notification in the hope of some unknown peace then you will understand that it is a lifelong expression for the man you love. Even though all your mobile numbers are on his block list, when you become a beggar of love by calling from another number, you will realize that it is time to get him back. Eat

When your Facebook ID goes to his block list and hides it from another ID, when Bukfata sighs, you will realize that it is the satisfaction of love. May the reward of love be good for the people of the world.

