Leo Finance and the Case For An Evergreen Model

Leo Finance and the Case For An Evergreen Model

Blockchain technology has been increasing to a number of other industries and one we are all familiar with here on Hive is content creation and the expansion into decentralised journalism right here on Leo Finance.

One thing that is certain and that’s that innovation is the key to long term success.

Leo Finance has become a thriving platform on the Hive blockchain by continuing to innovate and develop it’s platform.
While the platform has developed an array of successful features there is one thing missing from it that mainstream platforms have that continue to attract new talent and recruit new content creators, and that’s and evergreen model.

An evergreen model has the potential to revolutionise the platform and empower decentralised journalists. An evergreen strategy leverages the power of timeless content, ensuring the blockchain's longevity, user retention, and the sustainability of the platform. Inspired by the success of mainstream media outlets that have embraced this model.

Leo Finance would be poised to make a significant impact on the world of decentralised finance (De-Fi) and journalism if it implemented an evergreen model.

What and Why Evergreen

An evergreen model is a content strategy that focuses on creating content with enduring value that continues to receive curation or revenue on an ongoing basis relative to its popularity and the ongoing views it receives. Unlike trending topics or news updates that quickly become outdated, evergreen content remains relevant and useful over time.

Although, informative content isn’t the only content that is best fit for evergreen as we see the rise of shorts on YouTube and entertainment that has begun gaining popularity amongst youth and other social media users.

Content creation on social media is quickly replacing subscription based T.V and with the rise of independent movie makers, trends are tracking that in time, social media will be the number one streaming service globally.

Leo Finance is a pioneer in decentralised news and positioning itself to focus in on this growing market is a strategy that not only attracts a steady stream of users but also to maintain their engagement for years to come.

Why Leo Finance is best suited

Leo Finance with its unique combination of decentralised finance, news and content creation is the perfect breeding ground for such a strategy. Leo Finance, as one of the leading platforms on Hive, has a huge potential for the evergreen model to enhance its ecosystem.

One of the primary benefits of implementing an evergreen model on Leo Finance is the potential for sustained growth and user retention. Evergreen content possesses the unique quality of not only being relevant today but also remaining valuable in the future. This contrasts sharply with trending articles that might gain quick popularity but fizzle out as newer, more timely stories emerge.

For example, consider the evergreen nature of personal finance advice. A well written article on financial planning or investment strategies can continue to attract readers and engagement long after its initial publication date. With Leo Finance's focus on decentralised finance and blockchain.

This model holds great promise in helping users navigate the complex world of crypto currency, investments and decentralised applications.

The mainstream media has long recognised the value of evergreen content and some of the most successful platforms owe a significant portion of their popularity to such content. Examples like YouTube which is not traditionally seen as a news platform, which is what Leo Finance has in favour of it.

Showcase the power of evergreen content. Videos on YouTube can continue to receive views and generate revenue for content creators’ years after their initial upload. Which is a common theme amongst content creators.

The Hive Ripple Effect

Implementation of an evergreen model by Leo Finance has the potential to create a ripple effect throughout the Hive blockchain. This would not only enhance the quality and sustainability of content on Hive but also attract a broader user base interested in curating and creating informative material.

Furthermore, as more users gravitate towards evergreen content on Hive's ecosystem could experience increased retention and user engagement, bolstering the platform's overall vitality.

A Leo Finance move to implement an evergreen content model would bring about a transformative shift in the world of decentralised finance and journalism on the Hive blockchain. By embracing this strategy. Leo Finance would attract and retain users, provide journalists with a sustainable source of income and serve as a valuable resource for the growing blockchain community.

Inspired by the success of mainstream media platforms. Leo Finance would be recognised for their value of timeless content and its potential to reshape the blockchain landscape. As Leo Finance would be a pioneer of a Blockchain evergreen model.

It would continue to set the stage for other platforms to follow suit, further enhancing the quality and sustainability of content on the Hive blockchain.

What are your thoughts? Is there a way forward for Leo Finance and Evergreen content?

image sources provided supplemented by Canva Pro Subscription. This is not financial advice and readers are advised to undertake their own research or seek professional financial services.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Leo Finance does contribute a lot to the whole ecosystem on hive for sure, but personal think that the other dApps like Ecency, PeakD, liketu also fabulous


Leofinance is really doing well
They always come up with one update or the other
