Why You Should Dump Web2 Media and Consume Web3 News

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Why You Should Dump Web2 Media and Consume Web3 News

When Bitcoin launched in 2009 it had a purpose to unseat the current economic system and provide an alternative financial system to current day centralised banking source. It's dream is to put the power of money into the hands of everyday people to have true financial self-determination. Which is fitting because under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and in article 1 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which most nations are signatory to. Self-determination is a human right source.

As much as western nations would like to "ban crypto" or "bitcoin" they legally can't because they're not allowed to impede on peoples human right of self-determination. Which is why many governments focus on the Securities and Exchange side of things We're not stopping you dealing with crypto but you can't do it that way because tax/finance laws. The issue is more complex in Asian nations and other nations which are not signatory to the ICCPR which is what enables them to confiscate and destroy property.

Taking a stand against the system

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You don't even need to undertake a survey but to look amongst your peers and you will quickly come to realise that the brunt of the cryptosphere is made up of Millennials. It's not a surprise that Millennials make up the largest cohort as someone in this age bracket I am well aware of the challenges and barriers we face politically, financially, emotionally and even in the context of society. What people call Woke Culture is more a battle of shifting generations all battling it out for what they want the world to look like while there is an older more wealthier powerbase pushing down.
I'm also a political activist and have gotten myself into trouble ALOT over the years and found myself in court fighting politicians and all sorts, fortunately for me I've been able to come out on top but it has costed me significant amounts of money. The article above, I wrote in 2016 about the housing crisis to which many told me I was wrong yet here we are years on and This article states Millennials are the unluckiest generation in history. Despite the article focusing on US citizens many would agree that it can be applied to any nation, In fact This Australian article paints a clear picture on how every generation that came after always did better than the previous, then Baby Boomers came and retained the wealth and aren't passing it on.

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In response to Baby Boomers telling Millennials to just Get a Job which mind you we now have the most qualified Cafe Baristas ever in human history with education debts they will never pay off because the jobs don't exist. Millennials decided to check out and create their own financial world and the rest is history.

Why are you still using an old system for a new sector?

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Bitcoin led the push into a new age of financial freedoms and changing current world models and now in 2021 the rest of the world is catching up as Bitcoin is a beast that can't be tamed, slowed or stopped. In fact it is already starting to disrupt smaller financial players like Western Union source

The growth of NFTs has now seen the art world rocked with many artists entering the NFT sector to commission and sell art and 2021 was a growth year for NFTs source. We're also now seeing Block Chain gaming become centre point and with it's emergence Block Chain technology is going to need to upgrade again to handle millions of transactions per second source.

What about media?

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Media is an industry that needs to alter it's position and I can't understand why people still turn to old guard for their news when there is nothing in it for them. For instance so called influences quickly pivoted their shilling of products to anyone that would pay them a token. Many receive the token payment and then shill that same token to their followers as "The next 1000x". This causes everyone to jump into the token while the influencer dumps their free stash netting 10s of thousands of dollars source.

This is not news, this is just shilling and a massive conflict of interest is created whereby you're not getting the truth, you're getting scammed.

Which is why the emergence of Hive Blog, Leo Finance and Loop Finance is an important mile stone in the changing world of how we consume news. These platforms provide people with the ability to support their favourite authors and also earn an income in doing so.
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On Leo Finance and Hive Blog an author needs to work for their money, no one is paying them they need to produce content their followers want. If people like your information, stories or blog they will upvote it which provides a value paid in the native Leo tokens. But it doesn't end there with all profits earned on each article split 50/50 meaning the author receive 50% of the total earned and the other 50% is given to the people who upvoted the post. The value is created through inflation.

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On the Loop Finance side of things it's a little different where users must participate in the community to earn tokens which are than used to create articles and are used to pay authors through a star rating system.

Both methods require journalists to go out and seek stories, to interview projects and project teams and actually produce content people want. Shilling crap will quickly see you removed from earning an income so journalists are financially incentivised to work and not take payment to shill coins.

Beyond that mainstream media provides nothing to readers it is the readers generating the income for mainstream media through targeted ads and website visits. Not to mention quite a few of the current crypto news sites charge projects between hundreds to thousands of dollars for a story when it is the project that is generating the hits for the news site.

If we're going to move towards a more free and just financial system than we need to dump the dead wood and build a system that works for all and not just generates mass profits for the few and tricks people out of their own money.

Decentralised Media Is the Future!

Image sources provided supplemented by Canva Pro Subscription. This is not financial advice and readers are advised to undertake their own research or seek professional financial advice

Conflict of Interest Declaration: I am a journalist on Leo Finance, Hive Blog and Loop Finance

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Decentralised Media Is the Future

Yes it is, Seeing such words "banned, not allowed, hidden and finally blocked" on web 2 social media is so frustrating, This is why we should move to web 3.


I think there is no manipulation in web 3 unlike web 2, which is full of falsification of facts.


It's also more transparent and you can't run a heap of fake accounts as easily to make yourself appear popular


Most of the Web 2 stuff is funded by VCs and a lot of them are out to make money. So they tend to run articles with a bias and they will only put up articles that serve their narrative. So I would only take it with a grain of salt. I trust web 3 or decentralized blockchain news because I can make my own decisions on it. I don't want to be spoonfed some narrative.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Web2 advertisers and "influencers" charge between $US100 to $US15,000 to be featured. Then some also receive a token that they will shill and dump to make cash. Not to mention the advertising revenue.

Here on Web3 we bring back investigative journalism and if I don't produce content no one likes I don't get paid. Not to mention followers and supporters can also get paid for engagement and upvoting posts.

It's an entire community that if done well and we all start producing high-quality content everyone gets paid even supporters. Much better in my opinion that dodgy paid shills.


True there are some heavy advertisement fees but I don't think they will disappear. The most a web3 can do is to provide a more equal platform to get their voice out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
