No Choice : A Freewrite

Being born disabled is not the end to life. I have witnessed so many people become so depressed because in one way or the other they have become disabled and they cannot even do what is right. Again, that does not even mean an end to living in that. Does it dictate someone's life? You mean that the end has come? Being disabled is only a challenge and it can be overcome not to talk of the way science and technology is going these days.

And you can have a spare parts to every part of the body so you are not left disable at any point in time anymore. Unlike back in the days when someone has to limp on a walking stick. For the rest of your life you can have an artificial leg and even to the innermost part of the body there is an artificial part for almost everything or ones that can be donated from someone and the person will be fine, not the talk of the ear and the eyes. Even the head can be severed off on another head.

Put on it. I know it is a matter of having a Doctor Frankenstein kind of a person, but I'm telling you that is very possible. So no one even has an excuse anymore in this present generation to say that a disability has hinder him or her from doing something great. It's just a matter of having your money or the accessibility to get the best that technology. Science has done and that there is no need to be disabled for the rest of one's life.
