Stop By At Boco Cafe For Coffee ☕And Work 🖥️Happy New Year! (Eng-My)


We have had a very busy few days because we have been attending Christmas celebrations for two large families, namely the side of the family that belongs to my wife as well as the side of the family that belongs to me. Both sets of relatives are eager to celebrate the holiday known as "Family Day" during the holy month of December. Over the past few days, we have been so busy that I have the distinct feeling that I have been unable to make any postings. On the other hand, as the old saying goes, with a new year comes a new resolution, and I am still resolved to at least publish a post today, the first day of the year 2023.

Sejak beberapa hari kebelakangan ini kami sangat sibuk dengan sambutan perayaan Krismas keluarga untuk dua keluarga besar, yakni keluarga sebelah isteri saya, dan keluarga sebelah saya. Kedua-dua keluarga masing-masing mahu merayakan Hari Keluarga sempena bulan yang mulia pada hari Krismas. Kami menjadi sangat sibuk, sehingga saya merasakan tidak ada kemampuan untuk melakukan sebarang post sejak beberapa hari kebelakangan ini. Namun, tahun yang baharu ini, tentulah ada azam baharu, saya tetap menguatkan nekad untuk membuat post sekurang-kurangnya pada hari ini, yakni, hari pertama di tahun 2023 ini.

On this very first day of 2023, I would like to tell you about a restaurant that is exclusive to our area. This is the very first time that I have been to this cafe. I say that this cafe is one of a kind because in addition to selling food and beverages, they sell reading materials that customers are welcome to peruse at no cost while they are patronising their establishment.

Pada hari pertama tahun 2023 ini, saya ingin menceritakan tentang satu cafe yang unik bagi kami. Ini adalah pertama kali kali melawat cafe ini. Saya mengatakan unik kerana bukan sahaja cafe ini menyediakan makanan dan minuman, mereka juga menyediakan bahan-bahan bacaan yang boleh dibaca secara percuma di cafe mereka.

The Boco Cafe can be found in Kota Marudu, which is the neighbourhood where my wife first made her home. The taking of photographs to preserve memories and to provide content for this post is a requirement. Ignore the image of the man wearing the orange shirt that appears in the glass mirror inside the cafe. It appears that the man's stomach is quite cute, as it protrudes forward just a little bit.

Boco Cafe terletak di Kota Marudu, daerah tempat kelahiran isteri saya. Ya, gambar sebagai kenangan dan bahan untuk post ini perlu diambil. Abaikan pantulan bayangan lelaki berbaju jingga pada cermin kaca cafe. Kelihatan perut lelaki itu agak comel timbul ke depan sedikit. :3

As soon as we opened the front door, on the left side of the room we saw books arranged in an orderly fashion. There were Malay novels, religious books, books written in Chinese, Malay comic books, and non-fiction books. It is also possible to see that the air filter machine is making an effort to do its part to provide customers who enter the cafe with a sense of renewed vitality. Absolutely, this place has a wonderful lack of stale air. The presence of an air conditioner that works properly contributes to the overall cosiness of this location. Customers who practise Islam have access to a surau as well. There is access to free WiFi in the area. However, we were not able to go upstairs today due to the fact that it is still in the process of being renovated. We are very sorry about this.

Sejurus kami membuka pintu hadapan, di sebelah kiri kelihatan buku novel melayu, buku agama, buku berbahasa cina, buku komik melayu, dan buku non fiction tersusun dengan kemas. Kelihatan juga mesin penapis udara berusaha melakukan peranannya untuk memberikan kesegaran kepada pelanggan yang masuk ke dalam cafe. Ya, memang segar sekali udara di dalam sini. Dengan penghawa dingin yang berfungsi baik, suasana di dalam sini semakin selesa. Surau juga disediakan bagi pelanggan yang beragama islam. Wifi percuma siap sedia untuk berkhidmat. Namun, malangnya, kami tidak berkesempatan untuk naik ke tingkat atas pada hari ini kerana masih dalam status pengubahsuaian.

More books can be seen tidily organised on larger bookshelves that are situated in the front of the room. The pleasant ambiance is contributed to by the live yam leaves that are displayed as decoration on the edge of the bookshelf. The decorations and performances that are put on at this cafe have left me feeling extremely satisfied. After deciding where we wanted to sit, we then placed our order for food and beverages.

Di bahagian depan kami melihat lebih banyak buku yang tersusun kemas pada rak buku yang lebih besar. Hiasan daun keladi hidup di tepi rak buku menjadikan suasana yang lebih menyenangkan. Saya sangat berpuashati dengan perhiasan dan persembahan yang mereka tunjukkan di cafe ini. Kami bergerak ke tempat duduk yang menjadi pilihan kami untuk duduk sebelum memesan makan dan minuman.

Customers are not only able to take pleasure in the sight of a book and the refreshing air from the air conditioner, while also include access to sockets that allow them to connect electronic devices such as phones and laptops. This is a very impressive establishment. Obviously, we make use of this facility to the maximum extent and for the greatest possible amount of time in order to get the work we need to get done completed.

Selain daripada menikmati pemandangan buku dan udara sejuk dari hembusan nafas mesin penghawa dingin, pelanggan juga dibekalkan soket untuk menyambung alat elektronik seperti telefon dan laptop. Ini satu kemudahan yang patut dipuji. Sudah tentu kami menggunakan kemudahan ini sebaik mungkin dan selama mungkin, sehinggalah kerja yang ingin kami siapkan selesai.

Even though we are still in the spirit of the holidays, we are required to immediately complete the work that our employer has instructed us to do at work at the beginning of the year. To our great relief, it can be carried out in any location. Our children were looked after by their older cousins while they were left at home alone. While the two of us went out on dates like couple who had recently fallen in love. 😂

Walaupun sebenarnya kami masih lagi dalam mood cuti, ya, cuti awal tahun, namun kami harus segera siapkan kerja yang diarahkan majikan dari tempat kerja. Syukur ianya boleh disiapkan dari mana sahaja. Anak-anak kami tinggalkan dirumah, dijaga oleh kakak sepupu dan abang sepupu mereka. Sementara kami berdua keluar seperti pasangan pelajar yang baru bercinta. 😂

It is said that if you are upset with your significant other, you should take a picture of him like this so that it appears as though he is imprisoned. Haha! Please don't misunderstand me; it's not that I have a problem with my wife. This is a picture that illustrates the joke as an example (I forgot where I read it from). Enjoying the really relaxing atmosphere here helped pass the time while I waited for my wife to place their food and drink orders.

Lawak mengatakan, kalau anda marah kepada pasangan anda, ambil gambar seperti ini, dan anda akan melihat dia seolah-olah di belakang penjara. Haha! Jangan salah sangka, saya tidak marah kepada isteri saya. Ini gambar contoh untuk lawak itu (lupa pula dari mana saya terbaca). Sementara menunggu isteri saya memesan makanan dan minuman, saya menikmati suasana yang sememangnya menyegarkan di sini.

The chicken rice from the restaurant in the building adjacent to mine left me feeling quite full for quite some time. On the other hand, the owner of this coffee shop would not be accepted if we just went in to finish the work without ordering anything to drink or eat. Two chicken floss buns and a cup of coffee are absolutely sufficient for me to hold me over until the next meal. My eyes are still sleepy, but this can be resolved with some caffeine that does not contain sugar. I am a die-hard fan of sugar-free coffee, but despite the fact that sugar crystals are offered, I chose against trying to make use of them.

Saya masih agak kenyang dengan nasi ayam dari kedai makan blok bangunan sebelah. Namun, sudah tentu pemilik cafe ini tidak setuju sekiranya kami hanya masuk untuk menyiapkan kerja tanpa memesan apa-apa. Roti serunding ayam dan secawan kopi sudah pasti sangat cukup untuk saya. Mata saya masih dalam keadaan mengantuk, walaubagaimanapun, ini boleh di atas dengan kopi tanpa gula. Walapun dibekalkan hablur gula, saya memilih untuk tidak menggunakannya, kerana saya ada penggemar kopi tanpa gula yang tegar.

Take a look at the image of the book that is reflected on the surface of the coffee. It could be better tho. I made an effort to obtain some photographs, and this one is the best I could get. This is the highest quality that a compact smartphone like mine can produce for me. but pleased with it too!

Lihatlah keadaan pantulan buku di permukaan kopi ini sangat sempurna. Saya cuba mendapatkan beberapa gambar, inilah yang paling bagus saya dapatkan. Yalah, hanya menggunakan telefon pintar yang tak seberapa, inilah sahaja kualiti yang mampu saya dapat. Namun puas hati juga bah!

The condition of my eyes, which was defined as being extremely heavy and sleepy, prompted me to request that my wife get me a cup of coffee with a higher caffeine content. This particular Americano coffee is their most potent offering. My wife commented that this coffee had a very unpleasant taste, and she refused to drink even a single drop of it. I am taking my time to savour the bitter flavor of this real coffee. We were given the task of completing all of the management and clerical work that was assigned to us while we sat in this cafe for a total of three hours.

Keadaan mata saya yang memang agak berat mengantuk, menyebabkan saya meminta isteri saya memesan saya segelas kopi yang lebih kuat. Inilah kopi amerikano paling pekat yang mereka ada. Setitik daripada kopi ini pun isteri saya tidak sanggup untuk menelannya, sangat pahit katanya. Saya menikmati kenikmatan kepahitan kopi sebenar ini secara perlahan-lahan. Kami bertahan duduk di cafe ini selama tiga jam untuk menyiapkan segala kerja pengurusan dan perkeranian yang diarahkan kepada kami selesai.

When we were getting ready to leave this restaurant, which was around six in the p.m., we noticed the staff putting the finishing touches on a table that had been set up earlier. According to the employee, they are currently preparing an order for a couple of lovers who are scheduled to arrive at seven o'clock in the evening. The assumption was that the couple would want a romantic setting, so the staff did their best to decorate the tables in accordance with the preferences of the couple who would soon be their customers. In the future, it's possible that my wife and I will also place an order for a table set in a romantic atmosphere. Yes, I have every intention of carrying it out.

Sebelum meninggalkan cafe ini, iaitu sekitar jam enam petang, kami sempat melihat para pekerja mempersiapkan satu meja yang ditempat lebih awal. Menurut pekerja itu, mereka mempersiapkan pesanan daripada sepasang kekasih yang akan datang pada jam tujuh petang nanti. Pasangan kekasih ini kononnya mahukan susana yang romatik, oleh itu para pekerja berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk menghias meja mengikut pesanan pelanggan mereka yang yang akan datang nanti. Mungkinkah saya juga akan memesan meja romatik untuk saya dan isteri saya pada masa akan datang? Ya, saya memang sangat berniat melakukannya


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 137 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


I always love a cafe with book shelves and they just add more things to do than just lounging and enjoying coffee. I think that it's fair for the owner to expect patrons to buy, otherwise why would you go inside? great write up!


Happy new year 2023 . It was a good cafe especially when there book inside it because book never lie . :). I will get grab of coffee if i go to KM in future. :).

Have a good family days . Cheers .



Hey there bro! Yes, Happy New Year 2023! May your new resolution and ambitions in this year come true! I agree with what you said about the books, but at that time I didn't read any xD.. just there for the works and coffee.. btw, thanks for stopping by! Cheers! !PIZZA !LUV



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Thank you so much hivebuzz.. 8000 upvotes here I come!


I enjoyed reading your post. The atmosphere in that place is relaxing and invites to work or rest. I love books on coffee shops.


Thank you so much for spending your time reading my post. I really do appreciate it! Yes! I love the atmosphere inside the cafe, it really boosts my mood to finish what need to be done. I might find myself visiting this place more with my kids, they will love the comic books. Thanks for the !PIZZA and here some !LUV for you.

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