Concurso Comunitario Damas de la Colmena #95¨[Esp-Eng]


Saludos cordiales a esta comunidad Ladies of Hive


Todos tenemos un punto de ebullición diferente, algunos nos enfadamos fácilmente, otros tienen un temperamento muy frío. Por favor, comparte una cosa que te haga enfadar, cuánto tiempo permaneces enfadado y qué o quién puede apaciguarte.

En nuestro diario vivir cada día es una historia diferente en cuanto a como nos sentimos o como nos manejamos frente a las situaciones que se nos presentan en lo laboral, personal, social.

En un tiempo con menos edad una situación que me hiciera molestar me dejaba muda, me encerraba en mi, me retiraba del sitio para no mostrar mi molestia; esto con el pasar de los años ha sido parte de mi autoconocimiento como cada uno de las cosas que reconocemos y nos damos cuenta que el daño lo hacemos a nosotros mismos. En la medida que fui entendiendo fui aceptando que las cosas o acciones de otros las hacen y uno es quien decide si nos afecta o no.

Como siempre he sido muy organizada y puntual en cada actividad que emprendo mi molestia siempre se basó precisamente en los horarios que colocaban para una reunión laboral y sentía que ese tiempo no era valorado a quienes llegamos a la hora porque siempre hay otras cosas que hacer. En esos momentos lo pasaba conversando pero no dejaba de hacer referencia a la molestia del horario y que los que llegamos a la hora no teníamos por qué esperar a los otros.

Lo de ser puntual no lo he perdido pero me ajusto y me mentalizo que en ese tiempo de espera si es de esperar lleno mi mente de pensamientos positivos para que no lleguen las quejas de las otras personas.

Divisores Fuente

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Warm greetings to this Ladies of Hive community.


We all have a different boiling point, some of us get angry easily, others have a very cold temper. Please share one thing that makes you angry, how long you stay angry and what or who can appease you.

In our daily living every day is a different story as to how we feel or how we deal with situations that come our way at work, personally, socially.

At a time when I was younger, a situation that bothered me left me mute, I closed myself in, I withdrew from the site to not show my discomfort; this over the years has been part of my self-knowledge as each of the things we recognize and we realize that the damage we do to ourselves. As I came to understand I accepted that the things or actions of others make them and it is up to us to decide if it affects us or not.

As I have always been very organized and punctual in every activity I undertake, my annoyance was always based precisely on the schedules that were placed for a work meeting and I felt that this time was not valued to those of us who arrived on time because there are always other things to do. In those moments I spent it chatting but I kept referring to the inconvenience of the schedule and that those of us who arrived on time had no reason to wait for the others.

I have not lost the habit of being punctual, but I adjust myself and make sure that during the waiting time I fill my mind with positive thoughts so that other people's complaints do not arrive.

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Traductor DeepL

Feliz navidad (3).gif


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Hello Mercedes, thank you for your thoughts on the prompt. And I love this:

actions of others make them and it is up to us to decide if it affects us or not.

This was one of the things I realized later in life too. Glad we learn this valuable lesson and free ourselves from getting damaged on the inside.

Some people seem to not value the time of others and they don't come on agreed time. It is great that you learnt to adjust yourself when others do that and you exercise patience and think positively while you wait. That's really awesome.



Thank you, that's right, we have to change our way of thinking, practice's not easy but it can be done.


How annoying is it to have your well thought out plan ruined by someone who has no work ethics. It can be pretty annoying


Es muy cierto encerrarse esa rabieta no es nada saludable, a la final afecta la salud. El ser humano muchas veces es impuntual y le resta tiempo a las otras personas a veces hasta sin disculparse. Muchísimo éxito en esta semana @mercmarg

It is very true to lock yourself in that tantrum is not healthy at all, in the end it affects your health. The human being is often unpunctual and takes time away from other people, sometimes even without apologizing. A lot of success this week @mercmarg
