Continúa... la historia 25 de junio de 2022/El Plan de Reynaldo


El Plan de Reynaldo.png

Imagen elaborada por la autora con los recursos propios de Canva. Junio, 2022

mXkfdToSwHy1F6xC7iNSf4gD4njuiH2TJnH2d9a7sjEgsxpt7CEU4CCztgbsbxwU86y2W2kPqn2JiERrCQmXbePRvuffnLcpZWAgXRdW5 (1).gif

”Frotaba sus manos para encontrar calor, después de cargar trozos de hielo por más de dos horas. No había otra forma de lograr el objetivo. Su padre siempre le presionó para que fuera muy metódico y ordenado. Aquella disciplina se grabó en su corazón de tal manera que sustituyó a los sentimientos más nobles que suele haber en un niño. Ni siquiera la muerte de su madre lo hizo llorar, aunque lamentaba su partida. Pero el interés de que los familiares que vivían más lejos pudieran llegar al funeral, y mirar por última vez a Elena, le obligaba a mantener lo mejor posible su cadáver fresco, una empresa nada fácil cuando vives alejado en una montaña. Afortunadamente, el lago proporcionaba una buena fuente de conservante, cortesía del crudo invierno que azotaba aquel lugar ”…

El dolor que albergaba en su corazón no le permitía sacar lágrimas, a pesar de todo el amor que siente hacia su madre su deseo de mantener un cuerpo fresco para cuando lleguen los familiares dice mucho de él y su sentimiento.

Esa disciplina que le impuso su padre le ha dejado un poco se puede decir insensible hacia ciertas situaciones que se le han presentado, pero no, no es así. Reynaldo, es un ser humano como todos, joven con ganas de explorar el mundo, su vida la ha pasado en la montaña afrontando todo el trabajo que debe hacerse allí; en su pensamiento hay aires de libertad, quiere conocer otros rumbos, otros espacios, aunque considera que su amada montaña es salir regresará con otras vivencias de las cuales ha sido mutilado por la educación que le dio su padre.

Como su padre aún vive, debe comprender porqué Reynaldo decide salir a explorar mundos. Con muchos años encima acepta que su hijo requiere otras vivencias, no importa quedaré solo físicamente...he aprendido la lección ya él sacará sus conclusiones de si la educación que le di ha sido de valor ante lo que quiere vivir y que personas encontrará en el camino que ha decidido recorrer.

Al llegar los familiares a la montaña a ver a Elena, notaron mucha calma y juventud en ese rostro de ese cuerpo inerte que veían...mostraba serenidad, satisfacció se veía un rostro contrariado como otros cuerpos que mueren.

Saludan a Reynaldo y lo acompañan en su dolor aunque éste no expresa ni el más mínimo sentimiento. Pensativo durante todo el tiempo que los familiares estuvieron de visita. Sus planes no fueron revelados a pesar de las preguntas que le hacían mientras permanecieron en el lugar.

Baners Fuente

Feliz navidad (2).gif


El Plan de Reynaldo.png

Image created by the author with Canva's own resources. June, 2022

mXkfdToSwHy1F6xC7iNSf4gD4njuiH2TJnH2d9a7sjEgsxpt7CEU4CCztgbsbxwU86y2W2kPqn2JiERrCQmXbePRvuffnLcpZWAgXRdW5 (1).gif

"He rubbed his hands together to find warmth, after carrying chunks of ice for more than two hours. There was no other way to achieve the goal. His father always pushed him to be very methodical and orderly. That discipline was engraved in his heart in such a way that it replaced the noblest feelings there usually are in a child. Even the death of his mother did not make him cry, although he mourned her departure. But the interest that relatives who lived farther away could come to the funeral, and take a last look at Elena, compelled him to keep her corpse as fresh as possible, not an easy undertaking when you live far away in a mountain. Fortunately, the lake provided a good source of preservative, courtesy of the harsh winter that lashed that place "...".

The pain he harbored in his heart would not allow him to draw tears, despite all the love he feels for his mother his desire to keep a fresh body for when relatives arrive says a lot about him and his sentiment.

The discipline imposed on him by his father has left him a bit insensitive to certain situations that have arisen, but no, it is not like that. Reynaldo is a human being like everyone else, a young man eager to explore the world, his life has been spent in the mountains facing all the work that must be done there; in his thoughts there is an air of freedom, he wants to know other directions, other spaces, although he considers that his beloved mountain is fabulous...when he leaves he will return with other experiences of which he has been mutilated by the education that his father gave him.

As his father is still alive, he must understand why Reynaldo decides to go out to explore new worlds. With many years behind him, he accepts that his son requires other experiences, it doesn't matter I will remain alone physically...I have learned the lesson and he will draw his conclusions as to whether the education I gave him has been of value to what he wants to live and what people he will meet on the road he has decided to travel.

When the relatives arrived at the mountain to see Elena, they noticed a lot of calm and youthfulness in the face of the inert body they showed serenity, was not a disgruntled face like other bodies that die.

They greeted Reynaldo and accompanied him in his grief, although he did not express the slightest feeling. He was pensive during the whole time the relatives were visiting. His plans were not revealed in spite of the questions they asked him while they remained in the place.

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Traductor DeepL

Feliz navidad (2).gif
