[Eng/Esp ] Please hide


¡¡¡Please hide!!!

A few years ago in the area where I live, known as a quiet area, without any risky situations, there was a wave of disturbances that made us feel fear, at night we could hear screams, noises of cars starting up quickly, even gunshots.

That's how the weeks went by, settling in at the weekends.

My husband, he says that he's in piles of batteries to hide his fear of something happening in one of our houses.

One day, my children, nephews and nieces were talking at a cousin's house who lives two houses away from us. My husband was saying "mosca" and was kind of worried because we were leaving the house. At the cousin's house the children were playing, jumping, laughing, of course none of us were aware of the events that were happening more frequently.


My husband was sitting at the front of the house, noticed a suspicious situation and ran to the cousin's house shouting hide, hide, come in, come in. We all saw each other's faces and didn't know what was going on, whether he was being chased or what.

The funny thing was that he opened the bars in a way and threw himself on the floor as if he was jumping into a swimming pool and he was saying come in, come in.

He thought he was being chased, which he wasn't at any time.

The joke then was the way he arrived and how he threw himself just like in the movies, he rolled one way. When we realised he was on the ground and we all started to laugh out loud just remembering the moment when he was running down the pavement, screaming, throwing himself on the ground because he was being chased.

We spent a few days after that, whenever we met, the scene would come up, we would remember it and the laughter would go on and on. Then the joke spread through the whole family and now that I am writing it down I can't stop laughing at this moment remembering how he ran and how he threw himself on the floor.

There really are situations that we remember that in spite of having some reason to hide, we turn it into laughter. He then tells me and says: can you imagine if they come after me and enter the house? We wouldn't laugh.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Hace unos años en el sector donde mi residencia forma parte de el, conocido como tranquilo, sin presentarse situaciones de riesgo, hubo una ola de alteraciones que nos llevaban a sentir temor, en las noches se escuchaban gritos, ruidos de carros arrancando rápido, hasta disparos.

Así transcurrían las semanas afincándose los fines de semana.

Mi esposo, él dice que está pilas en las situaciones para ocultar su temor de pasar algo en una de nuestras casas.

Un día, mis hijos, sobrinos conversábamos en casa de una prima que vive a dos casas de nosotros. Mi esposo decía mosca y estaba como preocupado porque salimos de casa. En casa de la prima los niños jugaban, saltaban, reían, por supuesto que ninguno de nosotros ni pendiente de los sucesos que venían ocurriendo con más frecuencia.


Mi esposo quedó sentado al frente de la casa, se dio cuenta de una situación sospechosa y pegó una carrera hacia la casa de la prima gritando escóndanse, escóndanse, entren , entren. Todos nos vimos la cara y no sabíamos que ocurría si era que lo perseguían o qué.

Lo cómico fue que abrió las rejas de una manera y se lanzó al piso como si estuviera lanzándose a una piscina y decía entren, entren.

El creía que lo perseguían, cosa que no ocurrió en ningún momento.

El chiste después era la forma como llegó y como se lanzó así como ocurre en las películas, rodó de una manera. Cuando nos damos cuenta el se queda en el piso y todos comenzamos a reír a carcajadas solo de recordar el momento en que corría por la acera, gritando, lanzándose en el piso porque según él lo perseguían.

De esto pasamos unos días que cuando nos encontrábamos venía la escena, la recordábamos y las carcajadas no dejaban de esconderse. Luego el chiste se corrió a toda la familia y de verdad que ahora que lo escribo no dejé de soltar las mías en este momento recordando como corría y como se lanzó al piso.

De verdad que hay situaciones que recordamos que a pesar de tener algo de razón eso de esconderse, lo convertimos en risas. Él luego me cuenta y me dice: ¿te imaginas si vienen detrás de mi y entran en la casa? No nos reiríamos.


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Now that was some hero move he pulled up there😅.

Good thing he didn't get injured.


Yes sir, he knew how to launch


Alright then. Have a great day.


Lol... Of course it won't be funny when they actually come into the house but they didn't so it's funny how he jumped to the floor as if he was in an Olympic game haha.

Thanks for posting to this community, we look forward to reading more of your funny experiences.


Thank you, thank you very much
Of course the funny thing is the way he ran into the house and threw himself on the floor, just in case there was a gunshot.
It was really funny, but best of all, nobody was chasing him.

