Keys To Lasting Love 3 - Solving Problems Together

If you missed the past series, you can find them here πŸ‘‰ Key 1 || Key 2 and here we have the third episode.

I'll still want to remind us that I want to learn from your feedbacks so it will be very much appreciated if you would share some with me in the comment section.

Today's talk will be on SOLVING PROBLEMS TOGETHER as a key to lasting love


I don't think there is any relationship without its ups and downs, it's almost impossible to be in such a relationship so you must be sure to prepare your minds in case your relationship faces one challenge or the other.

The problem some couples if not most, do have is the lack of communication when things aren't going too well in the relationship. Maybe one of them will try to take issues on his/her hand to solve it by himself/herself. It doesn't work like that, it won't help most times... The problem should be for both partners to solve together.

"We will overcome this together" or "This won't break us apart" should be the words resounding in both partner's ears for reassurance.

One step in solving the problem together is Identifying The Problem


Firstly, identifying the problem is very important. Learn to know what your partner may be going through for he/she to act in a way you don't like or that's scary. If you can let it go, move on and still enjoy your partner that way then Let It Go!

But if you can't, Bring It Up

Some people in a relationship tend to hide their true feelings just so their partner doesn't get hurt, forgetting their feelings are also important to make that love last.

So it is just so right to bring up issues you find threatening to your relationship so you both could work things out. And mind you, In Private!!!

I don't see why couples should talk about their differences, problems and complaints in the presence of their friends or colleagues... It doesn't say well of them so do it in private and get things solved quietly.

Another step to solving the problem together is Focusing On The Positives


Keeping your love alive also means for each partner to learn to see the positives in every negatives. You can't help to avoid problems but you can do a lot to combat those problems by staying positive with your partner.

Here's what I mean by being positive.

When you feel your partner is being annoying, irritable or making you unhappy about something... Remind yourself some of these things I'll list out.

  • Remember your partner can be very funny, he/she made you laugh and happy before.

  • Remember the great time you both had the past weekend, the excitement you both felt.

  • Remember your partner is a great cook, you love her/his cooking.

  • Remember your partner knows how to dance/sing very well and you enjoy watching/listening to him/her.

And many more things to remind yourself in staying positive to combat the negatives at a point in time. No need attacking your partner with the present happenings, remember the good times, reconcile and be happy with your partner.

There are other ways to solve a problem together as partners but I'll stop here.

What's your feedback on Solving Problems Together as a key to lasting love?

Thanks for reading!!!


This came at the right time, been having communication issues in my relationship and I have practically given up but maybe I might try these.
