Securing My Crypto Wallets From Scammers/Hackers


The world is evolving to the use of Cryptocurrency even though there are so many challenges it's facing now and even time to come. I believe those of us who have found a thing or two in the crypto world have stories to tell to those who have refused to learn about how it works.

I was shocked to hear a friend of mine say Cryptocurrency is not safe to save your money to compared to saving your money in the bank 😳 is that even correct to think of without the knowledge of the crypto world? I had to correct her and made her see reasons why Cryptocurrency is way more safer and better.

While I was convincing her on how safe Cryptocurrency is, I didn't fail to let her know some important steps to take to keep her Cryptocurrency safe if she ever agreed to venture into it which I believe she would.


I've heard of so many cases of people losing their hard earned crypto coins to scammers or hackers. So sad to think of even though I've never had such an experience but I've learnt a lot from those who had an experience on what to do to keep safe.

I'm not sure if I've gone too deep in the crypto world since I'm still learning but with the little investment I've made, I've taken some security steps to keep them safe.

My Trust Wallet Coins Security


Before I joined Hive, I've been investing in small coins from the advice I get from experts I know and I've been hodling them with the hope that they will amount to something huge in the future.

Now, imagine getting all that coins taken away from your wallet when you open it 😬 that is too scary to think so here is what I do.

Set A Strong Password

Trust wallet can only use finger - prints or number password so I made sure to use the two for my wallet, the number is a very complicated one that even I don't remember it sometimes so I mostly use my finger print 😂 don't worry, I know the password very well, even in my dreams.

Open An Extra Wallet

Trust wallet have an option of opening another wallet but with the same keys so I open a new one and activate that one anytime I have to drop my phone somewhere. I know my password can keep any intruder away but I prefer hiding my main wallet in my trust wallet using an empty one. I hope you understand... You won't get to my real wallet account if you're able to use my password at all to get in.

Hide The Trust Wallet App

Another thing I've learned to do since some past incidents is freezing my crypto related apps especially my trust wallet before traveling far. I've heard of cases with police and crypto holders, so it's wise to hid the apps even when you do have passwords on them.

Very Careful In Airdrops Participation

There are way too many airdrops going on that one wouldn't know the one that is just a scam or would empty your little earnings from your wallet after you use your address to apply for their airdrop. I make sure to find out what an airdrop is all about, find reviews before going for any but I do decline a lot of it just to keep my wallet money safe. Free things can harm my wallet so I'm very careful on that area.

My Hive Coins Security


Joining Hive, I hardly knew of any security steps to take in keeping my coins safe until I read a lot of posts focused on it. I learnt from those who have lost their coins and those who learnt from those who have lost their coins. The learning process still continue though.

My Hive Backup Keys

The first thing I was told when I joined Hive was to guard my Hive backup keys very well as they are the easiest way to my money. I downloaded it to my WPS App and hid the app in a finger print security. I didn't stop there, I also hand typed all the keys in a disguised way on my favorite dairy note which one can't find easily except I tell anyone.

Avoid Auto Saving

Using chrome, I've always had the habit of saving my passwords to use any site easily but I learnt from others that it's a big risk in losing my money if care is not taken. So I try not to use the auto saving in my Chrome and just log in myself anytime I want to use it.

Avoid Unknown WiFi Connection

I learnt of this when I started using noise cash site and also from a friend of mine that it's possible to give free access to an unknown person through using their wifi. I don't know how it's possible but since I've heard of such a thing, I'd rather spend my own money to buy data than using another's wifi.

Those are some of the Cryptocurrency securities I could share but I know so many of us know more than this so I'll appreciate you sharing it with us in the comment section.

This is my entry for the hivenaija weekly prompt you can join to share your Cryptocurrency security with us too

Thanks for reading!!!


Thanks a lot for posting this, knowing the importance of securing our wallet is key


Quite insightful post on securing you crypto banks. I know there is no limit one can write about safety of individual wallets, that point of no auto-saving just added to my knowledge. Thank you so much for such an eye-opening post.


For sure, there is no limit to learning better ways to secure our Wallets but I'm glad you got a new one from my little

Thanks for stopping by


Wow! I have been auto saving my passwords on chrome for a long time not knowing it's risky. How do I undo them pls? Is there a way?


Clearing your cache should do it I guess, not sure though
But make sure you know them without the auto save help


This is some kind of expository on how to secure our treasured wallet from scammers and hackers. I am quite enlightened.
Thanks for preparing such a beautiful piece.
@dreemport brought me here.


These tips are very handy and the barest minimum anyone in crypto should know. I am particularly skeptical about airdrops, especially on the Binance chain. Many of the airdrops are fake and scammy. I stopped participating in them.

Thanks for the education


It's better to stop participating in them, most of them aren't secure at all.
Thanks for stopping by


Thank you for the information about keeping our crypto safe. I hope that more people will know how to do it.

I found your article through @dreemport

Stay safe.


Thanks for appreciating my work, and thanks to Dreemport for bringing you here 😊


This is very important information you are sharing in its article. People need to be more aware of these things.

Thank you for sharing.

I got here via @dreemport.


Yeah, I hope they become aware of them. Thanks


You are already becoming a guru in the crypto world.. You are even giving advices now... Nice...happy to know you are making head way. I can relate to all these measures you listed because they are more or less things I do to safeguard my wallet. Although I don't freeze my app because I don't see reasons why I should do that.

@dreemport directed me to your post


You haven't traveled far and meet some kind of police on the way who would go as far as asking for your password to your wallet so they can transfer your coins away... I was even shocked when I heard it happened to someone on his way.

I don't freeze apps but I won't fail to do so if I'm given the warning when about to embark on some journey.

Thanks for stopping by 😊


They do that? I thought they said we shouldn't give our phones to police men anymore except they have a warrant to search our phones...if they truly did that to that person, then its very bad.

I think I understand why you do what you do now... I just hope a time will come when we won't be afraid of these police men anymore.
