Best Strategy for Arkemis the Bear in Splinterlands Battle

The Splinterlands game was primarily built for the fun that games bring and you van only share in this fun when you participate in battles. Battling in splinterlands seemed like an impossible task until I started. It's been an enjoyable fun all the way each time I have the opportunity to play the battles and sometimes share the experience of the battle like I will be doing in this post.

To enjoy your splinterlands battles depend on the quality of the cards you use for the battles. Some cards are just built to be sophisticated in attack and defense with a a variety of abilities while others are just simple cards with no specialties around them. This is what inspires me to be buying splinterlands cards, just so that I can enjoy the battles I engage.

Arkemis the Bear is one of Splinterlands cards that is special in its design and stats. It is a promo card that was airdropped to splinterlands gam players who bought card packs during the crypto bear system. I didn't buy any pack of card but I read so much about the card, so I decided to buy it as a single card in the splinterlands market. Even though it is cheap and with a BCX of only 5, Arkermis the Bear remains one pf the most powerful among my owned cards.

Arkemis the Bear is a common card with a massive 12 Mana. At level 1, the card has a strong Melee attack of 3 and 10 health. The card also has 2 speed and a special Protect ability that adds 2 armor to itself and all other friendly characters. Amazing stat you say.

I have played several battles with Arkemis and failed a lot too, until I discovered my best strategy for using the card character in battle. I am so excited for this discovery and it would blow your mind.

Best Strategy for Arkemis the Bear in Splinterlands Battle

Here is my battle link

As a Neutral monster card, Arkemis the bear can be used with any summoner. I have used Arkemis the Bear with Fire,earth, water, life summoners but in this battle I discovered that the best summmoner combination would be the Fire Summoner. In that battle, I choose TARSA as the Fire summoner to battle with Arkermis the bear. Serpentine Spy was the monster that joined the fight. My choice of Serpentine Spy was basically to manna constraint.


Tarsa Summoner adds + 1 melee attack and health to all friendly monsters. Using Tarsa, boosted Arkemis' Melee attack by 1 and it then posses 4 Melee attack. That is a big weapon. Again, it receives an additional health to keep it longer as the fight lasts.

Remember that the Protect ability ot Arkemis adds +2 armor to it and all other friendly monsters. It was beautiful to see Arkemis with terrific new stats at the start of the battle as follows:

  • 12 manna
  • 4 melee attack
  • 2 speed
  • 2 armor
  • 11 health.

You would not find such a card start with a card with BCX of 5.

Best Positioning of Arkemis in Battle.

Before now, I have been positioning Arkemis at the second or third position in the battle but I tried something new in this battle. Arkemis led the fight. The high armor stats ad health was a good dressing to help it contend with the enemy monsters.

The battle lasted for 7 rounds and you can see that the fight eneded with my both monsters still alive with 3 health in general. I won the battle with 20 rating points.

It has been my best battle using Arkemis the bear and with the Fire summoner- Tarsa.

The strategy in that battle is one I have saved and I would use it again and again if the manna cap is allows.

Splinterlands is not just a game. It is a ecosystem that is full of opportunities that helps the player get more acquainted with cryptocurrency. It is a great game for every one to be a part of - enjoyable, fun and rewarding. Thanks to everyone sharing their investment experiences in Splinterlands. They are a great guide for me.

Splinterlands has become my new found Gaming Addiction.

Who's in to join me as we make big fun that takes you to the bank each day, week, month? Start splinterlands here.
