[ESP-ENG] Axie Infinity - Opponent Surrenders and Quits the Battle | Gameplay


Hola a todos! Espero se encuentren bien, en esta ocasión comparto un nuevo gameplay de Axie Infinity, es una batalla muy emocionante donde el oponente no logra resistir los ataques y termina abandonando la partida.

Hi everyone! I hope you are well, this time I share a new Axie Infinity gameplay, it is a very exciting battle where the opponent cannot resist the attacks and ends up leaving the game.

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Todo comienza en la primera con un contundente ataque enemigo dejando a muy poca Vida a mi axie tipo planta.

It all starts in the first with a forceful enemy attack leaving very little Life to my plant-type axie.

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En la segunda ronda el oponente con dos ataques termina de aniquilar a mi axie que quedaba con poca vida.

In the second round the opponent with two attacks ends up annihilating my axie that was low on life.

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En esta ronda atacó al axie enemigo más rápido gracias a la carta Little owl en este caso es un axie tipo agua y logró derrotarlo.

In this round he attacked the enemy axie faster thanks to the Little owl card in this case it is a water type axie and managed to defeat it.

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En la cuarta ronda me defiendo super bien con la carta Hatsune y Watering can como el oponente utiliza una cara de ataque tipo agua logró generar un punto de energía.

In the fourth round I defend myself super well with the card Hatsune and Watering can as the opponent uses a water type attack face managed to generate a point of energy.

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En esta ronda vuelvo a utilizar una gran estrategia para defender a mi axie, la cual me permite generar energía, sobrevivir y además atacó al axie enemigo.

In this round I once again use a great strategy to defend my axie, which allows me to generate energy, survive and also attack the enemy axie.

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En la sexta ronda como el oponente ya tenía su axie tipo planta con poca vida atacó con todo lo que puedo y es derrotado, algo que pudo haber frustrado a él rival ya que había utilizado varias cartas para aumentar su vida pero como no sobrevivió al ataque sus cartas no fueron usadas.

In the sixth round, as the opponent already had his plant type axie with little life, he attacked with all he could and was defeated, something that could have frustrated his opponent since he had used several cards to increase his life but since he did not survive the attack. his letters were not used.

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Ahora pasa algo inesperado, luego de que ya había seleccionado las cartas para usar en esta ronda el oponente toma la decisión de rendirse y abandonar la partida, pienso que como no tenía casi energía decidió abandonar porque con esa cantidad de energía era casi imposible que lograra remontar la partida.

Now something unexpected happens, after having already selected the cards to use in this round, the opponent makes the decision to surrender and abandon the game, I think that since he had almost no energy he decided to abandon because with that amount of energy it was almost impossible for him to achieve trace the game.


Espero les haya gustado mi publicación, pronto estaré subiendo nuevos gameplays de Axie Infinity

I hope you liked my publication, soon I will be uploading new Axie Infinity gameplays
