El tiempo va volando 😟🥰 [esp-Eng]



El tiempo es eso que pasa mientras entre tantas cosas olvidamos a veces lo sencillo que puede ser la felicidad, el tomarte 5 minutos para respirar y agradecer por simplemente estar viv@. Y ese tiempo es el mismo que ha pasado volando desde que nuestra princesa llegó a nuestras vidas💜

Time is that thing that passes while among so many things we sometimes forget how simple happiness can be, taking 5 minutes to breathe and be thankful for simply being alive. And that time is the same time that has flown by since our princess came into our lives💜.


Como siempre digo, no es un camino facil, pero sin duda la maternidad es lo mejor que puede pasarnos como mujer😍 en estos 5 meses cada dia a traido su afán!! estan esos en los que se porta como toda una muñequita😂 duerme sus 3 horas corridas, en la noche duerme hasta 6 horas seguidas, no anda irritable, en fin, hasta se deja cambiar el pañal feliz 😄😂 porque si, cada vez que le toca cambiar el pañal, agarra las mil y una rabietas jejeje pero tambien estan esos dias donde con solo mirarla y hacerle una mueca, muestra su bella sonrisa😍

As I always say, it's not an easy road, but without a doubt motherhood is the best thing that can happen to us as women😍 in these 5 months every day has brought its own eagerness!!! there are those in which she behaves like a doll😂 she sleeps 3 hours at a time, at night she sleeps up to 6 hours straight, she is not irritable, in short, she even lets herself change her diaper happily 😄😂 because yes, every time she has to change the diaper, she throws a thousand and one tantrums hehehehe but there are also those days where just by looking at her and making a grimace, she shows her beautiful smile😍.


Es todo un mar de emociones, todo lo que he vivido estos 5 meses, tener una bebe pequeña y un niño de 4 años, que ya esta haciendo notar mas sus celos, no es facil!! Sobretodo por lo que les comenté antes la niña tiene un temperamento nada facil y si, son solo 5 meses, pero es increible, justo ahora que escribo esto ha pasado un dia DE LOCOS🙃🙃 Y en parte creo que es por mi culpa, hoy tome cafe despues de mucho tiempo sin hacerlo, y lo tomé mas de la cuenta, y creo que eso afectó!! Ha sido un solo llorar 😫😫 y mi paciencia se agota!!

It's a sea of emotions, everything I have lived these 5 months, having a little baby and a 4 year old boy, who is already showing his jealousy, it's not easy! Especially for what I told you before, the girl has a temperament that is not easy and yes, it's only 5 months, but it's incredible, just now that I'm writing this has been a day OF CRAZY🙃🙃 And partly I think it's my fault, today I drank coffee after a long time without doing it, and I drank it more than I should have, and I think that affected!!! It's been a single cry 😫😫 and my patience is running out!!!!

Pero sinceramente se recarga cuando veo a mis hijos, que a pesar de todo, estan sanos, no les falta nada gracias a Dios, y simplemente son etapas, que aunque a veces sean dificiles solo toca vivirlas y aprovecharlas al maximo porque asi como va de rapido el tiempo, pronto seran un par de adolescentes que no entraran en mis brazos🥺

But sincerely it is recharged when I see my children, that despite everything, they are healthy, they do not lack anything thanks to God, and they are simply stages, that although sometimes they are difficult just have to live them and make the most of them because as fast as time goes, soon they will be a couple of teenagers who will not come into my arms🥺

Recientemente llevamos a la nena al pediatra, porque llevaba mas de 1 semana con una gripe muy muy fuerte, le sonaba el pechito y tenia mucho moco, esta gripe pasó antes por su hermanito, quien la trajo de su colegio🙃🙃 si, ya saben, es casi inevitable que no se enfermen estando en la escuela, pero bueno logramos quitarle la gripe al niño, y enseguida siguió la niña, asi que la llevamos al pediatra aprovechando que le tocaba!! Y como veran, estaba contenta demas😂😂

Recently we took the baby to the pediatrician, because she had been more than 1 week with a very strong flu, her chest was ringing and she had a lot of mucus, this flu happened before by her little brother, who brought her from school🙃🙃 yes, you know, it is almost inevitable that they do not get sick while at school, but well we managed to remove the flu to the boy, and then followed the girl, so we took her to the pediatrician taking advantage of her turn!!! And as you can see, she was very happy😂😂


Casi que es su estado natural jajaja pero no, realmente estaba asi porque tenia sueño🙈 y habia logrado dormirla en mis piernas, con una de sus mañas jaja pero bueno tocó entrar, y al levantarla se puso peor, pero bueno ya saben, los bebes lloran cuando tienen sueño, cosa rara verdad?? El que tiene sueño, se duerme y ya jaja no se pone a llorar jaja pero bueno, son misterios de bebes!! El pediatra nos indico un tratamiento, y dijo que apartando la gripe esta todo bien, ya pesa 6.9kg y mide 68cm va creciendo muy bien gracias a Dios

It's almost her natural state hahaha but no, she was really like that because she was sleepy🙈 and I had managed to put her to sleep in my legs, with one of her tricks haha but well we had to go in, and when we picked her up she got worse, but well you know, babies cry when they are sleepy, weird thing isn't it? If they are sleepy, they just go to sleep and that's it haha they don't start crying haha but well, they are baby mysteries! The pediatrician gave us a treatment, and said that apart from the flu everything is fine, he already weighs 6.9kg and is 68cm tall, he is growing very well thanks to God!


Para ser sincera yo tenia miedo que me dijeran que esta baja de peso, porque yo la noto flaquita jeje, y es que la comparo con mi gordito a su misma edad, cosa que se que no debo hacer, pero a veces es inevitable, afortunadamente esta dentro del rango, aso que vamos bien con la lactancia exclusiva🥳 ya dentro de un mes empezaremos la alimentacion complementaria y creo que ella será muy feliz masticando jejej, veremos si para ese entonces ya tiene su primer diente porque cada dia está mas desesperada con esas encías 🙈

To be honest I was afraid that they would tell me that she is underweight, because I notice her skinny hehe, and I compare her with my chubby at the same age, which I know I should not do, but sometimes it is inevitable, fortunately she is within the range, so we are doing well with exclusive breastfeeding🥳 and in a month we will start complementary feeding and I think she will be very happy chewing hehehehe, we will see if by then she has her first tooth because every day she is more desperate with those gums 🙈

Pero bueno seguimos en este hermoso y caotico mundo de la maternidad💜 contando lo bueno y lo no tan bueno

But well we continue in this beautiful and chaotic world of motherhood💜 telling the good and the not so good.



Todas las imagenes fueron tomadas con mi Redmi 9
La portada la edité en PicsArt

All images were taken with my Redmi 9.
I edited the cover in PicsArt.
