How the pain of children😣😫 weighs heavy.😣😫 [Esp-Eng]



Hola hola mamitas y papitos. Que gusto estar de nuevo por acá con ustedes, hoy quiero contarles un poco lo que he padecido con mi hijo desde hace una semana, y expresar un poco mi sentir al respecto

Hello hello mommies and daddies. What a pleasure to be back here with you, today I want to tell you a little about what I have been going through with my son for a week, and express my feelings about it.


El pasado fin de semana estuvimos casa de mis padres como de costumbre, el estuvo super normal el viernes, pero el sabado me comenzó a dejar comida, cosa que no sucede mucho en el jeje el ama comerr, sobretodo sus panquecas, la verdad que yo no hice mucho caso, cosa por la que me senti luego mal, pero asi paso el dia dejando un poco de cada comida, yo quizas no le hice tanto caso porque pense que el estaba tan concentrado con su tio jugando en el celular que ppr eso queria dejar de comer para continuar!

Last weekend we were at my parents house as usual, he was super normal on Friday, but on Saturday he started to leave me food, something that does not happen much in him hehe he loves to eat, especially his pancakes, the truth is that I did not pay much attention, which made me feel bad, but so I spent the day leaving a little of each food, maybe I did not pay much attention because I thought he was so focused on his uncle playing on his cell phone that he wanted to stop eating to continue!


Pero el caso es que el sabado en la noche presentó un poco de fiebre y ahi si me alarmé, y le comente al papá quien inmediatamente me dijo "revisale la garganta" pues ya con la niña hace unos meses pasamos por una infeccion fuerte, y cuando le reviso en efecto tenia unas peloticas, yo le di su remedio para fiebre, afortunadamente le bajó

But the thing is that on Saturday night he had a slight fever and that's when I got alarmed, and I told my dad who immediately told me "check his throat" because a few months ago we had a bad infection with the girl, and when he checked him he had some small hairs, I gave him his fever remedy, fortunately it went down.



Pero la verdadera preocupacion inicio el domingo cuando llegué a casa, que ya tenia toda la lengua por debajo llena de pelotas

But the real worry started on Sunday when I got home, she already had all her tongue full of balls underneath.


Me decian que era sapillo, que se tenia que rezar, que no se rezaba. Que le limpiara nada mas, que un perro recien nacido le tenia que lamer ahi 🙃🙃 o sea mil cosas, yo honestamente me sentia abrumada, asi que junto a mi esposo lo llevamos al hospital, donde para ser honesta habian puros jovenes contradiciendose con el tratamiento, y al final no termine convencida, pero bueno la unica cosa que le enviaron afortunadamente yo lo tenia en casa, Gensivol, que se lo agregaba a ellos en las encias cuando comenzaron a salir los dienticos

They told me that he was a toad, that he had to pray, that he didn't pray. I honestly felt overwhelmed, so together with my husband we took him to the hospital, where to be honest there were only young people contradicting themselves with the treatment, and in the end I was not convinced, but the only thing they sent him, fortunately I had it at home, Gensivol, which I added to them in the gums when the teeth started to come out.


Pero me fui a la farmacia y me recomendaron un antibiotico, y por supuesto las famosas curas de miel, bicarbonato y limon, ese mismo domingo comence yo a hacerle las curas, jurando que se las estaba haciendo bien. Pero ya el dia lunes en la tarde estaba PEOR, asi que decidimos llamar a la prima de mi esposo para que le hiciera las curas, y justo ahi me di cuenta que el amor de madre no permite que le hagamos ese tipo de tratos que aunque sean necesarios, igual no disfrutamos hacerle eso a nuestros chamos😖

But I went to the pharmacy and they recommended me an antibiotic, and of course the famous honey, baking soda and lemon cures, that same Sunday I started to do the cures, swearing that I was doing them well. But on Monday afternoon he was WORSE, so we decided to call my husband's cousin to do the cures, and right there I realized that the love of a mother does not allow us to do that kind of treatments that although they are necessary, we still do not enjoy doing that to our kids😖.


Aquello era horrible los gritos y la lloradera, se ponia con el corazon a mil como se le bajaba la tension, ahi no. Yo queria llorar cada vez que le tocaban esas curas, las fiebres gracias a Dios luego del antibiotico si se le quitaron, pero la boca seguia llena de pelotas😕😕

That was horrible, the screaming and crying, she would get her heart racing and her blood pressure would drop, not there. I wanted to cry every time he had those cures, the fevers, thank God, after the antibiotics went away, but his mouth was still full of balls😕😕



Hasta que nos recomendaron el Azul de metileno, y mi suegro me consiguio uno de uso externo e interno, y pidiendole a Dios que no le pasara nada malo porque nos habian dicho que era toxico, yo se lo apliqué desde el dia jueves, y mi niño en 2 dias tuvo una mejoria ENORME😍 Gracias a Dios

Until they recommended methylene blue, and my father-in-law got me one for external and internal use, and praying to God that nothing bad would happen to him because we had been told that it was toxic, I applied it on Thursday, and my child in 2 days had a HUGE improvement😍 Thank God.




Estaba que no queria ni hablar para no abrir la boca, no comia, o sea era desesperante el asunto, pero en vuelta de 2 dias aplicandole eso, mas los lavados con el gensivol, esta SUPER BIEN, de hecho debajo de la lengua ya no tiene nada, sin duda es una experiencia que no me gustaria repetir, ni se la deseo a nadie, en definitiva el dolor de los hijos, es nuestro tambien.

He didn't even want to talk so as not to open his mouth, he didn't eat, it was desperate, but after 2 days of applying it, plus the washes with the gensivol, he is SUPER WELL, in fact under his tongue he no longer has anything, without a doubt it is an experience that I would not like to repeat, nor would I wish it on anyone, in short the pain of our children is ours too.


Todas mas fotos son de mi propiedad
Portada editada en PicsArt

All other photos are my property
Cover edited in PicsArt
