Ganando flexibilidad junto a mi chiquito💥😍 [esp-eng]


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Hola hola amigos💜💜 he estado algunos dias ausente del entrenamiento por multiples factores, entre ellos un entrenamiento poderoso que hice junto a mi esposo que me dejo casi que no podia moverme jaajaja fueron mas de 200 zancadas 😂😂 al otro dia hasta sentarme en la poceta era un lio😂 quema muchoo jajaja pero pues aprovechando lo tenso de los musculos quise grabarles esta rutina de estiramiento que hice junto a mi niño 😍

La verdad yo amo que el este creciendo viendonos ser unos padres activos en la parte del ejercicio y que tratamos de comer lo mas sano posible, porque no importa cuanto le digamos algo a nuestros hijos, ellos haran solo lo que vean que NOSOTROS hagamos, como dicen "el ejemplo arrastra, asi que esta vez arrastre a mi hijo al estiramiento jeje

Esta rutina la hago practicamente despues cada entrenamiento, pero hoy no entrené, solo lo dedique a estirarme muy bien, para que los musculos se repongan mas rapido💪💪

Espero que les guste y tengan un compañero tan bello como el mio😂😍😍💜

El video fue grabado con mi Redmi 9 editado en InShot, la portada la edité en picsArt


Hello hello friends💜💜 I have been a few days absent from training for multiple factors, including a powerful workout I did with my husband that left me almost unable to move hahaha were more than 200 strides 😂😂 the next day even sitting in the pool was a mess😂 it burns a lot jajaja but then taking advantage of the tight muscles I wanted to record this stretching routine I did with my child 😍.

The truth is that I love that he is growing up seeing us being active parents in the exercise part and that we try to eat as healthy as possible, because no matter how much we tell our children something, they will only do what they see WE do, as they say "the example drags, so this time I dragged my son to the stretching hehe

I do this routine practically after every workout, but today I didn't train, I just dedicated it to stretch very well, so that the muscles recover faster💪💪💪

I hope you like it and have a partner as beautiful as mine😂😍😍😍💜.

The video was recorded with my Redmi 9 edited in InShot, the cover I edited in picsArt.

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It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. .....


Excelente amiga. Involucrar a nuestro hijos en el deporte a temprana edad es una práctica muy acertada. Nuestro se acostumbra rápidamente tanto a la rutina deportiva como al sedentarismo es por eso que tomar la decisión de sembrarles el deseo y la disciplina por mantener su cuerpo activo es vital para su salud y así fomentar los buenos hábitos desde pequeños.
Una excelente propuesta.


asi es amiga!! La verdad el crecio viendo a mami y papi entrenar en casa, de hecho desde muy chiquito hace burpees, y cada vez que se va a bañar, hace unos minutos de ejercicio para no sentir el agua tan fria jajaja come demassss🤣🤣 pero ama hacer ejercicio


Que bueno que se incorporo tu hijo a realizarlos contigo.
Mi hijo Fabian tiene 5 años y le gusta acompañarnos a realizar nuestros ejercicios diarios, el no los hace, esta jugando cerca de nosotros y disfrutamos de la compañia mutua.


Que bueno💜 ojala pronto se incorpore y los haga con ustedes tambien
