Necessary Evil

I don't know why; we human beings, not everyone, but most of the people I have seen around me are fond of negativities, back-biting, gossip, rumours, and stuff like that. Oh yeah, I am on that list too; I am not okay with that; rather, I feel ashamed to even with the slightest presence of these things discovered within me. But things are like that here; most conversations get filled with these, whether it might be a friend, a relative, a neighbour, a countryman, a celebrity, a politician, or anyone, criticizing is a must. Criticism is good when it is constructive and is done with good intentions with scope to change that for a better result, but that's a rare case.

📸 Volodymyr Hryshchenko

Rumours are quite devastating; the slightest sparkle of something bad can set fire as it passes from mouth to mouth. Everyone loves to add spices to make that appealing to the listeners; when it gets passed to the next group of people, it gets added with more spices, mostly lies and assumptions. In the meantime, the victim gets to suffer all the added rumours, which get multiple times more damaging than the actual damage, all thanks to the surrounding people, the necessary evil.

You know, these kinda ranting write-ups seem normal when we are not experiencing a similar experience; we can't relate to the thoughts of the author, we can't feel the depth of the lines. It is like the lyrics of a song; someone can't feel rape, romantic, sad, rock, and all the other types of music together. Depending on various determiners, one can truly feel only one; maybe while being in love, one can best relate to the romantic ones and feel every line of them. Someone broken might feel every word from a sad song; the same goes for other songs and lyrics.

Sometimes we see ignorance, and this kinda inhuman behaviour leads to unwanted outcomes; some get broken into pieces, and some get strong and rise from the ashes. The second one is hard to acquire; not everyone can do this, it requires strong determination and willpower, the same as a mountain. I would love to see people on the second path; going through the darkness and achieving the light again is what gives the wildest ride of life to be succeeded.

I just really hate when we tend to gossip about something "funny" to us, which is not funny to the person facing it, not at all. I hate myself for doing this too, but I still end up falling for this, and sometimes I get that same experience back, a horrible experience.


I can understand what you feel about it. In my case, I don't read news, don't talk to others generally, and I don't care about others except my family members. So whatever other saying (gossiping) is not a matter of my concern. In that case I am a robot and it really help me to avoid bad feeling.


I can understand what you are saying, have been following this too, but sometimes it gets out of track.


Gossip is harmful to the person being used as topic. The people gossipping might laugh about it and have fun, but the person gossiped about is hurt and have their name soiled. I always try to avoid people that talks bad about others. Often, someone that tells you bad things about others will also tell others lies about you.


It’s always been this way I think, and I don’t know if there’s anything we can do to stop it. It’s a strange practice because we know what it feels like to receive it but we do it to others just the same.
