I grew up in a home where girls were said to end up in the kitchen. I tried so many times to fight against it but nothing positive ever happened. Instead, I'll be beaten up and according to them, I was being disrespectful.

I tried so many times to speak up, to make them see the wrong in their acts but I was always silenced. One time, firewood was used on my head, in a bid to make me 'have sense'.

My dad wasn't staying with us and he never knew what was going on. I wasn't allowed to speak to him, most times and whenever he came around, the only thing I'd hear him say is, "Where are my sons?" Or, "Have you cooked for my sons?"

I questioned myself to know if i really was a child of my father or if I was picked up from somewhere.

This made me almost run away from home. I just needed to be free. For the records, many men in my community think the same way. I have a twin brother and a younger brother, too. According to them, my younger brother has a higher authority more than I do. Infact to them, I mustn't contribute to any discussion going on in the family because, I am not a man.

This affected my confidence a lot. It made me think less of myself.

One of those days when my dad was around, he saw the way I was being beaten and that day, he was really touched. He never knew this was what I was facing all through. That day, he instructed that I packed my bags as I would be traveling back to the city (Lagos) with him.

That was the freedom I had always prayed for!

Months after I got to the city, I met a guy. I thought I had found true love only to realize it was all fake. He was among those who felt a woman shouldn't bother speaking up or contributing to the society. I was happy when I let go of him.

Along the line, I met with another guy and we became best of friends. He would teach me a lot and even encourage me to do more, in order to improve. He made me come out of the shell I was in.

He would make sure I was always happy and he was ever ready to see me become the best version of myself.

When it was obvious that our relationship was going to lead to marriage, I was scared. Not for the fact that he would hurt me because I was so sure (still am) that he never would, I was scared of my family.

My family and tribalism are five and six. My father even swore that none of his children will never from another tribe because he would never consent to it.

My father saw the friendship between us but he decided not to say anything.

After he asked for my hand in marriage, I accepted, not ready to compromise to the words of my family. I visited my dad and told him about my new decision and his reaction was a shock. He smiled and accepted it! It wasn't hard with him.

His other family members got to know about it and it was a tough moment for me. Even my twin brother wasn't making it easier.

I was told that he would abandon me, he would marry someone else and he wouldn't take care of me. I was told that he was a poor man and that I would go hungry. I was told many other things I do not wish to remember. But for the fact that my dad accepted, I was glad I had someone supporting me. My younger brother was also a strong support system for me.

When it was time for my guy to visit my dad, he passed away that week. It was a tough moment for me. For my both parent to not be alive to witness my wedding, I was devastated.

My husband and I

We buried my dad later on and we had to wait for months before we could proceed with the marriage.

Against all odds, I married the man who made me discover my inner strength and power.

Taking this decision, despite all I faced was one of the best decisions ever. I've grown with him and I've even realized more things about myself. My passion came back alive and I have not had a reason to think of going back. Infact, there's no going back now.

Choosing him to be a part of my life is something I'll call a blessing. And, I'm glad about it.

Image used is mine


Wow. Your story is incredible. Against all odds you've followed your heart while taking your head along with you and you have vanquished.

Our society is not the best in terms of gender equity, but I think we are making progress, and I look forward to the day where people would not be judged based on their gender but the content of their character. I'm happy you're doing well with your husband. My best wishes to you and your family.


Wow. What a beautiful story in the end to read. Though I felt sad that your dad passed away when he should have witnessed your big day. He was the one who supported you and that was something worth being happy about. Some cultures still stand on their stance on tribalism, saying you can never marry anyone aside from their tribe.
There was a time too when my uncle's wife told her cousin that she must not marry from the same state as her — Kwara. That is wrong. God only knows who will be our partner and where he would be from.

I noticed you do not have enough Hive Power, so, I delegated some to you to help you stay more active on Hive.


I really wished my dad had waited a bit.

Yes, you're right. God alone should be the one to decide who we marry. Our marriage shouldn't be based on tribal law but based on our happiness.

I don't know how to thank you enough for this. I appreciate you, so much @princessbusayo. God bless you!


Yes, God determines our partner and our happiness is what matters when it comes to life's choices.
You are welcome. Amen 🙏


Wow... This story you shared is a rollercoaster ride of emotion. It started out with a really dark experience and we got some bright light when you got an opportunity to come to Lagos with your Dad. Even your dating experience and your encounter with the man you cherish so much to this day was an interesting part to read.

It's so sad that your Dad didn't get to witness your wedding. That's a really sad experience. It must have been years ago. Yet, I can't help but say "Sorry for that loss".

I'm glad you got to marry a man that brings out the best in you. It's a decision that's worth being proud of. Well Done.


I feel sad each time I remember him. But, it's well. Thank you for your kind words.


This is nice. It is a beautiful story worth reading because of the morals and the beauty in it. I am glad you didn't give up talking and settling with a lesser person.

Thank goodness your Dad, wholeheartedly accepted, and I am sorry for the loss as well. Thanks for sharing this with us.


I have always said that we should be with whoever makes us happy, no matter the colour race tribe or whatever of that person.
So I am glad you have your guy and that you dad accepted him. What a shame he passed away before your wedding though.
I am sure he is looking down on you with pride in his heart.
Popped in from dreemport today #dreemerforlife


Despite where you were coming from, you knew you deserved better and went for it. For that I say congratulations on your first step to freedom, not letting others dictate the affairs of your life.



Why do I feel so emotional! The most important thing in life is to stay with who wants us to better.

I really felt bad that your Dad didn't live to witness your marriage but I am glad he was in support of you two.


Staying with one who wants my growth is the most important thing, really.

Thank you. ☺️☺️


It is so good to see that you finally found love. I love the photo. Both of you look so radiant, full of joy. God bless you both! And may He bless the soul of your late father, who might have had the same attitude as others but able to listen to his heart when it came to his child.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


Wow! I am glad you followed your heart married a man who loves and supports you. It is sad that your dad wasn't alive to witness your big day, I am so sorry for your loss but I bet he is very proud of you.



Things are happening...
When your dad died before the marriage, your uncles must have acted so tough for you and your husband to be to pass through. I know that kind of frustration

It's well.
Things are better now.


It was really tough then, for me. My husband spent a lot and I was not given any gift from them as per, their daughter got married. But, that's past now.

Thank you for reading through.
