Threads : Finally here and not yet accessible to me


Every development on the blockchain is a win for all. The team at leofinance just launched threads,a step further in archiving the project blank dream. A project that has been talked about for a long time now, that no one seems to know what it is exactly ( sounds like a story about the metaverse right).thread28941_1280.png

This Development not only takes us closer to the goal but reveals us to other aspect, that have to be improved on to get the most out of what's been made on the block chain and develop exceptional products that will either sink the Web 3.0 ship or help it function better by informing people on the value of there information and just uncover the curtains from this friendly face that web2.0 has sold while eating away and exploiting its users If I may.

Seeing threads take flight is a joy and a dent on what big social meadia platforms have been brewing for the longest time. Web 3.0 is here to improve and change by giving power back to the user, rewading them for there time and attention on these platforms.

Despite the joy and buzz threads have brought, It is Inflicting pain to those of us wanting to be part of this successful story and are unable to access it untill we get back to our laptops. A perfect picture of wanting to watch your team play the finals after a stunning season and your city suffering serious black outs minutes before the big game.

Word on the streets leofinance just hit an all time high on its engagements,Congratulations to the team behind the project and its community. Such can not be archived without the other in sight. I guess that's one of the reasons I have been unable to access threads on mobile. Until then I will keep day dreaming about threads and what I will post when oportunity presents itself.
Thank you for reading.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think you're not locked out! You posted this post, so you must have access to the blockchain somehow and thus can participate in Threads. Threads are comments to posts made my the leothreads account. All you have to do is comment to (the current Threads host-post, but will change when it gets "full"). That comment is a "Thread" and you're in.


Thank you for the guidance. I finally made it to the platform.. Its amazing!!!
