Exploring Digital Footprints on a Blockchain



Eventually, online reputation is going to be a bigger deal than it presently is. With the possibility of storing one's digital footprint immutably-ofcourse through the blockchain, it will be easy to examine and transform data stored into algorithms that can be used to determine a person's online reputation....

Every digital footprint is data, but we havent fully explored the depths of the data we have access to, never has there been a time when data could be stored in such a "Blockchain" way. For better illustration, the life of a blogger is logged online everyday for 10years,.

The traditional system has proven to be inefficient in being able to

  • Trustlessly keep this data
  • Transparently keep this data
  • Ensure that this data remains untampered with
  • Ensure that the data remains private

The traditional system will take the data and monetize it, many are even guilty of crossing various privacy lines, but they're necessary evils and we just have to use them.....for now.

Data stored on a true Blockchain is immutable, transparent, can be queried, technically easily accessible, trustless, the data keeps existing as long as the blickchain exists. This availability of data ushers us into a new era of possibilities by giving us the ability to perform various experiments on the stored data.

With the Blockchain we can be assured that the life of a blogger logged online everyday for 70years remains as complete as new when queried.

Online reputation will be accessible by extracting the data of a persons digital footprint over a certain period of time and analyzing it through an artificial intelligent system against certain metrics that'll determine the reputation of such person.

In a traditional system like twitter, users go through certain steps to get verified. Being "verified" is simply Twitters idea to establish some type of reputation system within the community of twitter users. It's good, but it's become inefficient......

....... The fact that the verification procedure is not even transparent means that some amount of trust has to be given to Twitter to not mess with the data. Besides that, its just proven to be inefficient on many levels.

As much as Twitter is one of the most used apps in the online world, it is still not all of the internet. The new reputation system will be represented in all internet and social media, one account tied to one digital footprint tied to one user. Rather than carrying a blue tick, it will perhaps bear numbers, like on Hive where a new user starts at 25.

In the case of the blogger, the A.I will be able to extract data to determine the bloggers online reputation based on metrics that are transparent, programmable and realistic as long as the bloggers life was logged on chain. The results should be verifiable by anyone.

People like Ned and Justin will be transparently labelled for who they are all over the internet, it won't be labels like scam or what not, it'ill just give a negative rating, based on their online activities. The Blockchain never forgets

The extent to which the class of data we now have access to is mind blowing and uncharted, ofcourse I reserve the rights to be wrong about the mechanics of the operation I'm just expressing my thoughts in raw form. One thing I'm sure about is that the availability of long dated raw authentic and complete data extracted from digital footprints will give rise to new levels discovery in humanity.

This sort of reputation system will also have some level of impact on cyber security as it will try to reduce fraudulent activities through fake identities.

Digital Footprints on a Blockchain will give rise to new discovery in human behavior and perhaps things like online reputation can be extracted.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading.


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Unfortunately, we need very little government assistance to implement blockchain technologies in all areas
They have to be convinced that the blockchain is not just Bitcoin.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


With the rise of cancel culture, this might set a bad precedence. Sometimes it is scary knowing that whatever I put out here will be here forever. People change. Their ideas and notions about life. Having a permanent record accessible to everyone is quite...something

I dunno maybe I am overthinking this

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Yeah people change....let the actions tell it, rather than words. And if the actions do tell, then the data will be available for simulation as well...

How digital footprint will bring out reputation is quite unclear, but as long as the data is available, the possibility is open.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


How digital footprint will bring out reputation is quite unclear, but as long as the data is available, the possibility is open

I think it's already taking shape in the centralized world. However, only centralized entities have control of this data and use it to profit themselves alone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


but most of us wants to keep our identity hidden. as how blockchain and crypto are first launched.
But considering how blockchain and the data stay forever as long as the blockchain stay, we can say that those online verification and also social reputation can be made based on the activites we done on blockchain.

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True, well, I guess if you'll ever want some type of recognition or level of reputation, then you'll have to have some realness to your online identity, or maybe, users who identify anonymously will have a certain level of rep they can acquire, while the ones that show some realness will show higher rep....maybe...

Perhaps social reputation is a better way to put it.

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