Homemade Akara (Fried Beans Cake) || Akara casero (pastel de frijoles fritos) || (ENG/ESPN)



Homemade Akara was normally prepared on Saturday after the house duties when I was a child. My mother wouldn't let us buy it on the roadside, so you'd have to wait until Saturday to prepare the Akara.

El Akara casero normalmente se preparaba los sábados después de los deberes de la casa cuando yo era un niño. Mi madre no nos dejaba comprarlo en la carretera, así que tendrías que esperar hasta el sábado para conseguir Akara.

In Nigeria, akara is a popular morning meal. It can be eaten as a snack or a meal, and it is commonly paired with pap or custard when served as a meal. It can also be used to make a vegetarian "burger" or a sandwich filler.

En Nigeria, akara es una comida matutina popular. Se puede comer como refrigerio o comida, y comúnmente se combina con papilla o natillas cuando se sirve como comida. También se puede usar para hacer una "hamburguesa" vegetariana o un relleno de sándwich.

These delectable bean-cakes are prepared in enormous frying pans filled with oil on road side. When I was in tertiary institutions, there was a particular woman known as Iya Aisha who was a top-notch seller, as students used to queue up early in the morning to buy the hot Akara.

Estos deliciosos pasteles de frijoles se preparan en enormes sartenes llenas de aceite al borde de la carretera. Cuando estaba en instituciones terciarias, había una mujer en particular conocida como Iya Aisha que era una vendedora de primera, ya que los estudiantes solían hacer cola temprano en la mañana para comprar el Akara caliente.

Preparing Akara used to be time-consuming, but now since there are so many appliances available, you can do it in a fraction of the time and with less work. If you add anything to the beans when grinding them, it will influence the amount of air in the Akara, making it messy and sloped. Bean flour can also be used to make it.

Antes, preparar Akara requería mucho tiempo, pero ahora que hay tantos electrodomésticos disponibles, puede hacerlo en una fracción del tiempo y con menos trabajo. Si agrega algo a los frijoles al molerlos, influirá en la cantidad de aire en el Akara, haciéndolo desordenado e inclinado. La harina de frijol también se puede usar para hacerlo.

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Homemade Akara was normally prepared on Saturday after the house duties when I was a child.

This is how it a done in my home too
On Saturdays.
And after a meal of akara and custard or bread you get a sweet sleep in return.


Akara and pap are my favorite breakfast. I feel like licking my screen already🤩


Why does your akara have a different feel and look. Yours is almost looking like puff 😅😂.. I like the look and feel though


Lol... It was because I use bean flour, and you no beans flour has been processed already, they added preservatives and many other things to preserve it.. If had used normal bean, peel it, blend it with pestle and mortar, and add more pepper.

It would have been great, but that will consume time and even requires extra work, peeling and bleeding.
