My Entry || Should College Education Be Free For Everyone


Hello Hive Learners friends, How are you all on this occasion. Hopefully we are all still in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.


On this very happy occasion, I would like to rewrite my article according to the theme set by the community, namely free higher education. So here I will discuss what I think if higher education or lecture level is made free of charge for all citizens or the public and what is my opinion about it, is it good or is there any other effect about it. I think this is also a very interesting topic for us to discuss because many people are talking about it and there are also some people who have asked me about it before. All right, friends, let's see the discussion of my news on this theme.

As we know, education is very important in life, because education can certainly make people smart and gain knowledge or experience. Many people are pursuing higher education at universities, both domestic and foreign universities. I myself was also one of those who had studied at the university level and at that time I was also one of the students who continued their studies at the university by paying quite expensive tuition fees at that time. There are also some of my friends who continue their studies but they get scholarships or get free education.

So in our area or in our country of residence there are many sources to get free education at universities. even on private campuses that are already well-known or that already have names, there are also those who get free scholarships so that they can continue their studies without paying any money at all and they are also given facilities and pocket money for lectures. Usually, students who get free education are always close to certain parties who give them tuition fees so they can get the best grades. If they don't have good grades, of course there are those who welcome their share of free education.

So what do you think if for example the government creates a system so that everyone can carry out tertiary education for free. On the one hand, of course, this is good because, as we know, everyone has the right to learn and get an education. Access to learn that knowledge is a basic right of everyone. There are many people in poor countries or in developing countries who have skills or have more abilities, sometimes they are born into poor families so they cannot continue their higher education.

If all young people or girls carry out higher education, of course many people will have the opportunity to be able to work, and this can also reduce the unemployment rate, then reduce social poverty and can also lead to social prosperity. And if this happens we can also see how the course of an existing university will be. We also have to see if all education is free by the government and how can this order be able to finance all public education.

Many developing countries, of course, in my opinion, have not been able to bear all the costs of education for their people. But for me the most important thing is everyone who has graduated from high school and they want to continue with higher education and here the parties involved really have to be careful in making decisions to see people who have good experts and have good abilities. high so that these people are chosen to be people who are given the opportunity to get free education if they are included in the poor.

All right, friends, that's all I can write about today and hopefully with my article it can be useful for all of us and become a good article. My thanks to all my friends who have given me encouragement and opportunity and I am very happy that at this opportunity I can still present my articles here with you. That's all and see you later in the next edition.


Everyone has a right to free education and the world government can make that happen but just like you said, something like that can be a very difficult endeavor in developing countries because of the huge cost


Yes, friend. In developing countries or in poor countries, of course it is a very difficult thing for them to handle.


you are right that everyone has the right to get a higher education, because it will make it easier for them to get a decent job, and will certainly reduce the unemployment rate in an area
