
Hello Splinterland warriors!

How are you all guys hope you will be blessed and fine. In today's post, I will be sharing a neutral monster from the chaos legion edition which i upgraded to level 4 for its amplify ability which worked great for me especially in the thorn and reflection rulesets.


There are those who may think the Realm of Silence is a place of deep dark caverns. That could not be further from the truth. It is a region like any other in the Splinterlands that is full of homes, cities, and cultures.Read more

Well, nearly two weeks ago i shared this monster i got from the pack opening and decided to upgrade this card after getting it from the free pack which is a cheaper card currently selling at 20 cents price, and was thinking to buy a single BCX for it as i have 6 BCX of this card which i sold for buying a level 4 version from the market worth $4+ at cheap price for 17 cents each BCX while if i was buying single BCX it would cost more $ so better i bought it at once in upgraded version and now using it in my battles.



Well, here you can see the market purchase history which i bought a few days ago for its Amplify ability which increase the reflection damage and thorn damage to the attacker so better to have one card having this ability as i was buying the cleansing monster which also has this ability at level 4 then decided to buy this neutral monster which can be used in all splinters because of its neutral rarity. However, you can see the selling BCX which i placed for 20 cents and got some DEC back in my wallet for the next card upgradation.



Well, i am going to share the focus rewards from both accounts and here you can see the rewards of my main account where i made 8 loot chests in the gold tire and got some cards, SPS, and merits that you can see with 12 potion charges and almost 8 SPS round-about which is not that much good but hope to get some good rewards in the upcoming days and season-end.


The rewards i got from my alt account in the silver league are also good at some point by getting two rare cards and some neutral cards for free with the help of bot playing to increase my collection power and BCX of reward cards that may be worth something in the future. However, i recently shared some reward cards at a good price and bought thee back for the low level which works fine, and invested that DEC in other cards upgradation i will share the social media challenge post tomorrow where i will share some cards i upgraded in the last two days and bought it at an expensive price.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali
