
Hello Splinterland warriors!

How are you all guys hope you will be blessed and fine. In today's post, I will be sharing the rewards of focus from my alt account along with a rare water monster from the rift watchers pack.


Cecaelia are a race of humanoid octopuses that live in the coastal shallows of Pretoria. They are reclusive and mostly stay away from others, often making their homes in shipwrecks and submerged caves.
Read more about this card

SEA STALKER is a powerful ranged attack monster from the water splinter which cost high mana in the battles but you can use this card in high mana battles of 99 mana because it costs 8 mana cap but the card can give you some nice abilities from the scratch level i did not use this card yet in my battles as i have rented out my cards in my main account so all new cards from the rift watchers edition are being rented out soon i will remove some cards from the rift watchers edition when one week remaining for the season end to make at least 30 loot chests for the season end rewards.



There are total 4 abilities in this card you can get all of them by upgrading this card to level 8 so for a normal player like hitting the diamond league then you can upgrade this card to level 5 that will work for you in the diamond league otherwise if you are playing for the champion league then you will need lots of investment to upgrade your card to max level because you can get the amplify ability from this card along with cleansing at level 5 while rest of the two abilities are already unlocked at level 1 so putting this card in the last position and especially in the close-ranged attack would be awesome.



The Rift pack is here with 5 cards including one rare or better card and 4 common cards the first one is rare which i already explained above while the 2nd common card from this pack also belongs to the water family that i will explain in the next post which has the void armor ability while costing 7 mana with 2 melee attack it seems not a good one while the next junker is from the neutral family with reachability which is a bit fine because it can attack from the 2nd position. However, the rest of the two common cards are from water and earth with reach and scattershot ability that works great.



Today the bot played well and made 6 loot chests in 24 hours which is not bad at all and currently made 8 loot chests for the season-end rewards in the gold league which is not bad because i have stopped the bot for 3 days to recover the ECR which drained to 5% in the last season and now it is at 65% so recovering back can take you almost 3 to 4 days. However, the account is playing in the silver league soon it will cross the gold league but for some days i will be claiming the silver league rewards which are not good like gold and diamond.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali
