A tradition among my village people that I dread so much


Hello Hive

Different states, language or people have various cultural heritage and traditions they observe every now and then. Some villages are very strict with their rules such that if you do not observe them you will not be counted as a member of that village or state. Sometimes it is the simplest habits of life that we turn to become tradition in our society. For instance take a look at the one that has to do with sharing of food during the festive season, this gesture should be done according to individuals financial capacity and not something mandatory for everyone especially for people who do not have enough to give. But our society have turned this upside down such that it became a customer to hear from neighbors and even our friends from other religion that if we don't give them food on Christmas day they won't share their Sallah meals with us.

The tradition from my own village takes place in this manner, every son or daughter born to parents from the village must join a meeting for their age group in the village. They have rules and regulations among others for members and there is also the monthly contribution from each member for the development of the group and/or to support members when they are in distress. Various groups can also decide to hold another contribution like money thrift where each member is allocated a time to receive whatever he has contributed to be used for his personal business or interest. This is not a bad idea in which every member of the community can be known and recognized but some negative tradition crept into these different age group that I am not in support of.

There is often a yearly general meeting/reunion due to the home coming in December. Almost everyone travels back to the village for Christmas and hence each group will be holding this annual general meeting/reunion. It is at this union that they squander their resources and life's earnings. Christmas celebration and holiday shouldn't be about eating and drinking alone(but a show of love for one another) unfortunately that has become the order of the day in my village. At this meeting they can drink to stupor engage in fights and even wound each other as consequences of being drunk.

It has become a norm in most Nigerian villages that people work out their lives from January to December only to travel back home with all their earning spending extravagantly in order to impress, oppress or compare their financial status with their fellow youths
They lavish the whole of the years earnings within that short holiday period only to start all over again come next year, they have been repeating this lifestyle year in year out. These people do not experience a positive growth in their financial lives because their spending culture follows this same pattern yearly


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The most annoying part is that the different age group meetings have never planned about how to develop our village through any community service. No single project is carries out by any of the groups. All they do is to expect tragedies to occur so that they can have an avenue to eat meat and drink beer. I wish that these meetings were organized properly to make impact in our village, establish projects that will develop the community rather than yearly partying alone. Funds generated within groups can be used to benefit our village but none of this is happening and they want me to be a part of such group!

I value my time, money and resources and can only chanel them for positive use and impacting lives when necessary both home and abroad until these tradition are addressed and adjusted for good.

Thank you for reading through till the end.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
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Are you from the east? Coz we have a similar tradition in my village but the difference is that these meetings are done in whatever city you stay, but me I don't even send them, I have not attended any of their meetings because I don't see its usefulness


My place is very close to the east and west share thesame culture And names with the igbos.


Why would anyone be forced into going age group meetings! It so doesn't make sense. In glad in my hometown we don't have some of these unproductive meetings. My parents may likely not even budge.

It is at this union that they squander their resources and life's earnings.

I shouldn't but I had a laugh here.
This is so true. They spend all their thrift money on the end of year party. Very few get to disburse part of the funds amongst themselves. That don't even get to do something tangible for the community. It's sad.


Really really sad.
If you don't join age group meeting then you are not a part of the community and one must belong to a root somewhere.
I hope that the village youths will get educated and wise up the more.


They need to widen up for not just them but the community's good. Ah-ah!


Christmas is sweet but the spending is what i don't really like people work for a whole year within few days the will spend the whole money.


For someone who has never been to his village these kind of traditions are sounding really strange 😂


They sucks that they are expecting you to contribute to something that is more harmful than helpful. If people WANT to do that, that's their business, but you are trying to be responsible and improve things and they shouldn't impede your ability to do so!


And just because we have to bear some certificate that shows that we belong to a particular ethnic group in the country as our origin, we sometimes have no say in this matter.


How you be forced to join a group? Probably for their own selfish reasons.
One thing most people fail to understand, Christmas is not about spending money unnecessarily
