(Esp- Eng) Nacida para ser la guardiana.🧐


Saludos amigos de esta comunidad, estoy haciendo un post a cada una de mis tías, quienes han sido parte importante en el transcurso de mi vida, hoy le toca el homenaje a Delvalle, La Genérela o Guardiana de nuestra familia.

Les cuento porque le dicen La Generala, desde que tengo recuerdos, mi tía Valle ha sido quien ha tomado la dirección de nuestra familia materna, quiero decir sus padres y hermanos y por ende nosotros los sobrinos mayores.

Greetings friends of this community, I am making a post to each of my aunts, who have been an important part in the course of my life, today is the tribute to Delvalle, La Genérela or Guardian of our family.

I tell you why they call her La Generala, since I can remember, my aunt Valle has been the one who has taken the direction of our maternal family, I mean her parents and siblings and therefore us great nephews.

Ella ha sido parte importante para salir adelante y en unión familiar, aunque todas ellas en su esencia llevan ese valor, pues fue inculcado por mi abuela Elena.

She has been an important part of getting ahead and in family unity, although all of them carry this value in their essence, as it was instilled by my grandmother Elena.

Pero la Generala ha sido quien ha comandado este batallón de personas en el transcurrir de cada etapa en nuestras vidas, recuerdo cuando era una niña, que mi abuela decía, cuando había que tomar una decisión, hay que decirle a Delvalle para ver qué opina, mi abuela confiaba en cada decisión que ella tomaba y por eso en casa de mi abuela no se hacía nada sin que Delvalle estuviera de acuerdo.

But the Generala has been the one who has commanded this battalion of people in the course of each stage of our lives, I remember when I was a child, my grandmother used to say, when a decision had to be made, you have to tell Delvalle to see what he thinks, my grandmother trusted every decision she made and that is why in my grandmother's house nothing was done without Delvalle's agreement.

Así nos acostumbramos, a respetar sus decisiones, éramos niños y no nos afectaba, porque sabíamos que siempre nos cuidaba y protegía.

Ella fue la primera en lograr, estabilidad económica, educación, codearse con personas de mejor estatus social y buscaba siempre que cada uno de sus hermanos también pudiera avanzar y progresar, siempre estaba buscando ir a tono con la época y sus cambios, sobre todo tecnológicos.

We got used to respecting her decisions, we were children and it did not affect us, because we knew that she always took care of us and protected us.

She was the first to achieve economic stability, education, to rub shoulders with people of higher social status and she always sought that each of her siblings could also advance and progress, she was always looking to keep up with the times and their changes, especially technological ones.

Imagen de Firmbee tomada de Pixabay

Se dedicó a cuidar de su familia inmediata (su esposo e hijos), de sus padres y sus hermanos más pequeños, sin descuidar a sus hermanos mayores quienes ya tenían una vida aparte, pero si se les presentaba alguna situación difícil, ahí estaba ella para ayudarles.

She dedicated herself to taking care of her immediate family (her husband and children), her parents and younger siblings, without neglecting her older siblings who already had a separate life, but if any difficult situation arose, she was there to help them.

Enseño a sus hijos el principio del trabajo y el progreso, hoy cada uno de ellos tiene su vida estable e hijos sanos, y disfrutan del amor de tia valle en toda su extension.

She taught her children the principle of work and progress, today each one of them has a stable life and healthy children, and they enjoy the love of tia valle in all its extension.

Ella nos llevaba de paseo a conocer lugares, disfrutábamos muchísimos de esas salidas en familia, organizaba los eventos o celebraciones familiares, no era fácil, éramos más de 50 personas, pero ella lograba que todos colaboraran y se lograra el objetivo, pasarla bien en familia.

She took us on trips to visit places, we enjoyed many of these family outings, she organized family events or celebrations, it was not easy, we were more than 50 people, but she managed to get everyone to collaborate and achieve the goal, to have a good time as a family.

Nunca mostro fragilidad, Pero detrás de esa mujer de carácter fuerte, también se encontraba una mujer con miedos y temores, que no lo daba a demostrar para no verse vulnerable, era una figura de autoridad para todo aquel que intentara meterse con su familia.

Era la mano derecha de mi abuela y sigue siéndolo aun después de que mi abuela partió de este plano, ella Delvalle sintió más la responsabilidad de velar por aquellos que quedaban desvalidos ante tan dolorosa perdida, eso no le permitio derrumbarse despues del fallecimiento de su madre.

But behind that woman of strong character, there was also a woman with fears and apprehensions, who did not show it so as not to look vulnerable, she was a figure of authority for anyone who tried to interfere with her family.

She was my grandmother's right hand and still is even after my grandmother left this plane, she Delvalle felt more the responsibility to watch over those who were left helpless after such a painful loss, that did not allow her to collapse after the death of her mother.

Ha sido una mujer muy trabajadora, echada para adelante y con deseos de superación, ayudando a todo el que la ha necesitado, aun cuando las personas no sean agradecidas.

Han pasados muchos años, y la vida le ha puesto pruebas duras, que ha enfrentado con gallardía, ha caído muchas veces y se ha levantado muchas más, ella no se rinde, es como el ave fénix que resurge desde sus cenizas, y siempre con mejor actitud ante la vida.

She has been a hard worker, a woman with a desire to excel, helping everyone who has needed her, even when people are not grateful.

Many years have passed, and life has given her hard tests, which she has faced with gallantry, she has fallen many times and has risen many more, she does not give up, she is like the phoenix that rises from the ashes, and always with a better attitude towards life.

Imagen de ID 18796645tomada de Pixabay

Es una persona digna de admirar, le pido a Dios que le ayude a conseguir cada meta y sueño que tenga, pero que sobre todo le permita disfrutar del amor de sus hijos y nietos cada día de su vida.

She is a person to be admired, I ask God to help her achieve every goal and dream she has, but most of all to allow her to enjoy the love of her children and grandchildren every day of her life.

Ya no es, tan Generala como antes, porque se ha dedicado a vivir un poco su vida, sin embargo, igual sigue al pendiente de todos, y cuando hay una emergencia familiar, esta presta para ayudar.

She is no longer as Generala as she used to be, because she has dedicated herself to live her life a little bit, however, she is still attentive to everyone, and when there is a family emergency, she is ready to help.

Agradecida tía valle por todo el amor y protección que siempre nos has brindado.

Grateful Aunt Valle for all the love and protection you have always given us.

Fotografias tomadas de los diferentes albumes familiares, se encuentran en nuestras redes sociales.

Traducido con el traductor de idiomas Deepl.

Imagenes de Pixabay con su direccion y fuente.

Photographs taken from different family albums, found in our social networks.

Translated with Deepl language translator.

Images from Pixabay with address and source.


Dear @motica29, we need your help!

The Hivebuzz proposal already got an important support from the community. However, it lost its funding few days ago and only needs a few more HP to get funded again.

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, Hive.blog or using HiveSigner.

Your support would be really helpful and you could make the difference! Thank you!
