Jue., 23 mar. MowWriter - Solo Para Ti 🇪🇸🇬🇧


Image by Jeldy Deejay from Pixabay

Solo Para Ti

Para ti solo fuí ese pal de medias naranjas que tanto te gustaban. Cuando estaban nuevas no te las quitabas me usabas todos los días y yo enamorado de tus hermosos pies dejaba que pasara.

Pasaron los días y me fui desgastando con el tiempo. Llegó el momento en que te empecé a decepcionarte porque mi color había empezado a desteñirse y mi fortaleza con el uso de todos los días se desvanecía.

Llegó el día en que me rompiste se me hizo un hueco pequeño en medio del pecho y aun así no dejaste de usarme. Nunca diste explicaciones ni intentaste arreglarlo, solo seguiste usandome.

Pero algo cambio cuando comenzaste a traicionarme con esas medias azules, eran cómodas, mas lindas, mas fuerte, y trataba a tus pies como a ellos les gustaba. Asi tal cual como hacía yo al principio.

Un nuevo hueco se abrió en mi pecho pero este mas grande que el que ya estaba. Comencé a sentirme solo y la agonía se hizo mi acompañante. Dejaste de usarme un día como si nada hubiese pasado entre nosotros. Ya no era tus medias naranjas preferidas.

Me tiraste a un lado en un oscuro cajon y ahie dejaste durante mucho tiempo. Tiempo que contaba yo en mente. Cada minuto, cada hora, cada día, cada semana, cada mes lo llevaba en mente.

Hasta que después de un año abriste ese viejo cajón me viste. Te acordaste de mi y del tiempo que pasamos juntos. Simplemente que ya era demasiado tarde porque tus medias naranjas ya habían muerto de soledad y todo lo que sentía por ti se había podrido en la agonía.

Version 🇬🇧

Image by Jeldy Deejay from Pixabay

Just For You

For you I was just that pal of orange stockings that you liked so much. When they were new you didn't take them off you used me every day and I was in love with your beautiful feet and I let it happen.

The days went by and I got worn out with time. The time came when I began to disappoint you because my color had begun to fade and my strength with everyday wear was fading.

The day came when you broke me, I got a small hole in the middle of my chest and still you did not stop wearing me. You never explained or tried to fix it, you just kept using me.

But something changed when you started to betray me with those blue stockings, they were comfortable, nicer, stronger, and I treated your feet the way they liked. Just like I did in the beginning.

A new hole opened up in my chest but this one bigger than the one that was already there. I began to feel lonely and agony became my companion. You stopped using me one day as if nothing had happened between us. I was no longer your favorite orange stocking.

You threw me aside in a dark drawer and left me there for a long time. Time that I counted in my mind. Every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month was on my mind.

Until after a year you opened that old drawer and saw me. You remembered me and the time we spent together. It was just that it was too late because your half-oranges had already died of loneliness and everything I felt for you had rotted in agony.

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