MPATH Weekly Report - 28 November 2021


Welcome to the MPATH Weekly Report.

As mentioned in the most recent announcement, the MPATH program is winding down in an orderly fashion.

We have finally reached the end of the line. The last distribution was done last week. Votes have stopped - although some random votes may still appear during this closing phase. The only thing left to do is to buy back the remaining MPATH tokens.

The power-downs come to about 2,000 MPATH per week, so you can calculate how long this will take. I see a long queue of open sells - either be patient or put in a lower price. On the positive side, the token price remains stable in HIVE and, seeing many other prices fall, this is no small consideration.

I am glad I kept a buffer between the fund value and the market buyback price; as other token prices have plunged, that buffer has evaporated, but we are now bang on par value! If there is any value left at the very end, it will be sent to the MAXUV fund, which is where the original HIVE value came from when MPATH started.

I shall carry on posting just with token updates and how the winding-down process is going.

Here is a graph of the MPATH token price. (Thanks to @gerber for the discord-bot.)

This remains a record of progress over the months. Any panic sales will be gratefully accepted by patient buyers.

MPATH members have received healthy votes, good weekly rewards and a slowly increasing token price. I hope everyone has been entertained.

And on to my usual closing remarks...

... silence.

For full details of how it all worked, please read How the MPATH Program Works [May 2020].

Have a good week!

The MPATH headline figures are:

MPATH tokens active = 29,060
Earning HP = 36,570
Voting HP = 35,560

Total HIVE = 17,090

MPATH ABV = 0.600 HIVE (+0.00, +0.0% APY)
Sale Price = 0.633 HIVE (spread 0.033 HIVE)

Earnings Distribution = closed

Hive est. vote APR = 18.3% (-0.5)
Hive est. curation APR = 9.2% (half of the vote APR)

The Asset Backed Value (ABV) is our total holdings calculated in HIVE divided by the number of active MPATH tokens.

Any questions, please ask in the comments below or in our public chatroom.

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