Statements by Sam Bankman-Fried

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I consider that I am completely sorry that it is not, although if we are human and we are beings that can make mistakes, fulfilling the role or function that we fulfill, I do not justify the loss of those colleagues who are and were at that moment of loss and total uncertainty, I am very sorry .
Although I think that this does not take away the blame, being objective yes, you can be wrong, it does not take away that your failure caused a lot of misfortune



At this moment, as I said before, it is time to breathe and reflect, we are not machines, even the most refined machines have errors, that is because it is the pure and proper creation of man. Likewise, I do not think it is pertinent to cross it out if it is possible to discover that I do not steal (we would already start a debate on ethics and morality), there are much deeper discussions.
I already say that I am not defending or justifying it, I do not believe I have the right to do that to anyone, from my perspective we are humans who in certain aspects let ourselves be carried away based on what society indicates to us as a triumph or trophy for us, and that individualism makes catastrophic chaos without hesitation


The blame

If we can work on the error, reflect and try to fix it, I think there is no doubt that it was not something prepared a priori for our own benefit, or rather if it is for theft, as I said before, I do not judge, I only think about what happened.
You always have to see the issue from all possible sides so as not to fall into the gaze of a society that only destroys.



For me and exclusively my point of view we have to be objective in the facts and assume positions of observer even if it entails it, so we can be better in the construction of the response to the problem that arose, contemporary cases of the current economic systems happen with the people who occupy positions that do not manage well (for us) but for him, there is an administration problem compared to what one aspires to or seeks about what is good or bad, let's stop to reflect and work on it so that these things that unfortunately they are going to happen again, they happen in a way in less quantity and/or we have the necessary tools to repair them beforehandN






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