Colonization of thought is leading the third world to the abyss


Before the sixth decade of the last century, colonialism attributed the deterioration of the economic and social conditions in those countries to the nature of the mental formation and psychological preparedness of these peoples, as well as the unfavorable environmental conditions that these peoples are unable to control or control as a result of the natural limitations in their capabilities.

But the truth is that one of the most important reasons for the failure of most development efforts in the third world is the lack of sufficient attention to the national cultures in those societies, and the omission of their requirements and requirements when planning and implementation.

For example, “Ramayana,” as Dr. Ahmed Abu Zaid says in a study on behalf of epics as a history and culture and published in the Journal of the World of Thought, Volume XVI - No. 1 - April - May - June 1985 says that Ramayana is not just part of the ancient Indian heritage, but part of reality In the modern Indian society, the characters of the epic, especially the heroes, still embody the ideal of the Hindus. Perhaps this was clearer for women to emulate the heroine of the epic, Sita, in her devotion and loyalty to her husband, and her adherence to the maintenance of her chastity and honor. They are reared on a pattern that Distinguish the behavior (SITA) and its behavior and idea from the marital and family duties and their particular view of the husband, and (Rama) entered the popular conscience there .. And penetration in another way more significant and important.

Therefore, the Ramayana study is not only a study of a part of the legacy, events and myths of the past, but a study of the image of Hindu society as it is a creative work that contains a lot of details and important information, and this shows how the ancient epic relates to the life of contemporary Hindu society.

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