Why 'weight loss' challenges fail?

Did you ever set a resolution to get fit and then end up moving away from it? If yes, then know that you are not alone!



Losing weight is one of the toughest challenges though it sounds like everyone can do this very easily. The time, passion, and effort it needs are enormous. If you ever tried and failed, then I will not blame you. Because there are many external and internal factors we need to take care of to succeed.

Let's see what are the major causes we fail to lose weight so that we can find the solutions!

  • The lack of focus and determination.

I guess this is the first one. Though we all think, we are very determined to lose weight. But if we are not ready to give up many things like our favorite food or do workouts regularly then this is not called determination.

We only imagine our future, how would we look like but never focus on what we have to go through. We fail to build our minds in that way.

  • The lack of discipline.

Even if you are determined and set your mind, you still can fail if you don't change your lifestyle. Losing weight requires a healthy diet, workout, and many more. If we do this for one week and then go out of track and the next week we again start doing this; this will never work.

  • The lack of enjoyment.

We make the process too boring, like eating salad, sugar-free juice, going to the gym ie. Rather we can choose to have some happy meal with adding fruits and vegetables we like, doing yoga with some music. This boring process demotivates us to follow this challenge for a long time.

Find out what causes you to fail and work on it!
