Don't belittle the Cent Token



Greetings to the great community with much love. It's your friend @mrhive001 saying good morning from this part of the world. Believe we all are having a good time cause I am at the moment. May we be favoured this week.

The hive engine tokens are the beautiful structures surrounding the hive Blockchain. In the absence of these tokens they well enough is to be questioned on the block chain,but thank God for the tokens. As they say,all fingers are not equal so it is on the hive Blockchain as dimensions of everything is seen.

So many hive engine tokens been made available on the hive Blockchain ranging from the small to the great. Beautiful coins I appreciate including @leo,@bee,@polyCUB,@cent,@ctp and many more other tokens that turns out good in all their business transaction which I don't know and also will like knowing too.

The Differential Aspect on the Cent Token

The Cent Token being all that general all the tokens has more to say and do with it. It's the circumference of all as the tokens points at it directly or indirectly. This is true to the extent that now that the dip season is ravaging and it seems all hope is lost,now some of these tokens are now remaining and resting on cent,the grand father. If they aren't directly called cent then they are Milicent, still cent.

If this being through so why belittling the grand father as it has the propensity to light up the way to the tokens that rest on it and also to lift them to an extent as it has the build up.

The Cent Token on Hive Blockchain

There are ways to riches and wealth and if one is to walk therein then must it be that the principles guilding it must be kept. The Cent Token too on the other hand is a goody bag and has principles to be kept too which includes,the staking. One good thing about this is the fact that when you stake your cent Token you stand the chance to carry the goody bag. The staking of the Cent Token and using it for upvotes makes way to riches.

What are you waiting for guys,let's embrace the opportunity.
