Una nueva taza para el café | A new coffee mug [esp - eng]


Beber café es un placer de la vida, y como tal, hay que hacerlo con una excelente materia prima y una buena taza. A veces es complicado comprender que la taza puede influir en el sabor y la textura del café. Pero también dejamos de lado la influencia que esta puede tener sobre nuestras emociones, bueno, no sé si todos los vean así, pero al menos para mí es importante y tiene implicación en como inicio mi día. Por ello, desde mi perspectiva es fundamental tener una taza con la cual me sienta identificado y claro, le quepa demasiado café.

Drinking coffee is a pleasure in life, and as such, it must be done with excellent raw material and a good cup. Sometimes it isn't easy to understand that the cup can influence the taste and texture of coffee. But we also leave aside the influence that this can have on our emotions, well, I do not know if everyone sees it that way, but at least for me, it is essential and has an implication on how I start my day. Therefore, from my perspective, it is necessary to have a cup with which I feel identified and, of course, it fits too much coffee.



El fin de semana, mientras realizaba junto a mi novia la despensa para la semana, me encontré esta taza de The Mandalorian. Obviamente, como fan de Star Wars inmediatamente la tomé, aunque primero revisé sus características. Por lo general, cuando compro una taza, busco que esta sea de cerámica o de porcelana, que tenga boca recta y de pared gruesa. Estas particularidades me han servido para que el café mantenga su temperatura y conserve sus tonalidades de olor y sabor.

Over the weekend, while I was doing the pantry for the week with my girlfriend, I came across this mug from The Mandalorian. Obviously, as a Star Wars fan, I immediately grabbed it, but first, I checked its features. Usually, when I buy a mug, I look for it to be made of ceramic or porcelain, with a straight mouth and a thick wall. These features have helped me keep the coffee at the right temperature and preserve its smell and taste.



Esta taza tiene la monada de que al estar en frío, es de color negro, aunque se ven levemente los detalles del estampado. Este estampado toma color al verter líquido caliente, y de un lado se aprecia la figura del Mandaloriano y del otro lado, la leyenda The Mandalorian This is the way.

This mug has the cuteness that when it is cold, it is black, although the print details are slightly visible. This print takes color when pouring hot liquid, and on one side, you can see the figure of the Mandalorian, and on the other side, the statement The Mandalorian This is the way.



La desventaja de este tipo de tazas, es que con el tiempo el estampado se seca y se resquebraja, y esto sucede más rápido si no se tiene cuidado al momento de lavarla. Mientras dure el estampado le daré mucho uso a esta taza. Por el momento, es una de las favoritas y una más de la colección.

The disadvantage of this type of mug is that the paint dries and cracks over time, which happens faster if you are not careful when washing it. As long as the print lasts, I will give a lot of use to this mug. For the moment, it is one of my favorites and one more of the collection.

Todas las imágenes fueron tomadas por mí, excepto la de portada.

All the images were taken by me, except the cover image.


¡Que la fuerza los acompañe! | May the force be with you



Hello @mtzrene, I totally agree with you that the mug is of much importance to the emotional experience of coffee.
I like a ceramic or porcelain mug, not too small and of course not too big because I like my coffee to remain hot while drinking it. I find I do not enjoy my coffee the same way when drinking from a flask. Don't know why😆


Hi @millycf1976, yes, I think if you want to start your day off right, you have to have an amazing cup. Drinking coffee from a thermos flask is not the same, although sometimes I have to do it when I go to work :(


Oh dear! I understand.
Cheers to a nice hot ceramic cuppa ☕️
Have a nice day:)
