The Fantasy of Social media: Should people be judged by their online profiles ?


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It is nearly hard to find someone who is not using at least one social media platform in this day and age of technology. The list is endless and includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and many more.

For many individuals, social media has become an essential part of everyday life; it's where we interact with loved ones, exchange ideas and stories, and even stay up to date on the newest events and fashions.

However, with the growing influence of social media in our lives, there has also been a rise in the tendency to judge people based on their online profiles. Social media judgment is a typical occurrence, whether it's a prospective employer looking through a candidate's LinkedIn page or someone judging someone based only on their Instagram feed.

But the question is, should people be judged by their social media profiles? I don't think there is a simple yes or no response. Undoubtedly, there are valid points that can be made on each side of the issue.

One could argue that our social media profiles are an accurate representation of who we are as people. It's a place where we can be ourselves, discuss our experiences, and show our interests. Many people consider their online image to be an accurate reflection of who they really are.

In this way, one may argue that people ought to be evaluated in part based on their online profiles. After all, it's not uncommon for others to draw conclusions about someone based only on how they present themselves online.

However, it's essential to understand that a person's social media profile is just one aspect of who they are. They don't provide the entire narrative. People frequently choose the content to share carefully in order to project a particular image, and they frequently edit their online presence in order to showcase the greatest aspects of their lives. Social media profiles frequently misrepresent the real person behind the profile.

Therefore, it might be unfair and deceptive to judge someone only on the basis of their internet profile.
Moreover, superficial traits, vanity indicators, and conceit are all promoted on social media. A lot of people act in certain ways on the internet just to get likes, comments, and followers.

Actually, a lot of the content on social media exists purely for attention-grabbing purposes. This may cause people to have an incorrect perception of truth and to put their online image before their actual morals and values.

In the end, it's crucial to approach this with an impartial mentality even though it makes sense that individuals would base their opinions of others on their social media profiles. Take the time to get to know someone in person and base our opinions on our interactions with them in real life rather than making snap decisions based on what we see online.

It's crucial to note that social media has limitations when it comes to providing a whole picture of a person, as the virtual world isn't necessarily an accurate representation of the physical one.
Social media profiles shouldn't be the only tool used to judge people, even though they might provide an insight into a person's life and character.

It's important to keep in mind that people are more complex than the information they choose to disclose online, and getting a whole picture of someone takes a lot more than a brief look at their social media accounts.

Let's make an effort to view social media with an adequate amount of mistrust and remember that an individual's online identity may not necessarily match their real life circumstances.

Thanks for reading...
I am @mummygo


Truly, what people let out on social media is only a fraction of the whole picture. That's why it can't be a good basis to judge.


I feel like even though most content is purely for attention but we are how we think too
And there’s no fire without smoke or how do they even say it.
So if so, then whatever you post is how you think too.
I don’t know if you get me


People shouldn't be judged by their social media profiles, I have a friend whose social media profile and his real life Are different, most times when I view his social media profile I ask myself if he is the same person I knew while growing up when I chatted him up on WhatsApp them he explained to me, that it's all content to grow his profile. So people shouldn't be judged by their social media profile.


It is certain that people who are very dedicated to their social media lives will do anything for content. I have actually criticized someone from her contents but I immediately had a change of mind after learning the real story. It is very important no to judge a book by it's cover.


It's a mistake to judge someone based on social media platform
People choose to let you see the part of them that they are comfortable sharing.
