Talk it out Thursday | Equality is not Natural


The seasons come at their time, without anyone interfering with the natural order of things. However, there are seasons when winter would be longer than summer, and vice versa.

Striving to make one longer than the other is you trying to interfere with the natural order of things, and when you do, it makes it unnatural.

Human beings are made in a Devine and are born with a natural instinct to conquer and create a world where the humans are at the top of the food chain.

Nature isn’t about Equality.


I was having a conversation with a female friend of mine this afternoon. She is one I would consider the typical feminist, even though she doesn’t see herself that way and hates it whenever I describe her as such.

In order to make the conversation more emotional, which wasn’t at first when we were talking about what to do, where to go and what to wear this Easter. I don’t fancy such things, but she does. This is natural with women as they are instictly inclined to planning, fashion and events.

However, men, on the other hand, are not wired the same way. If I could describe the male inborn nature with one word, I would say the word — Adrenalin. Men love things that evoke an adrenaline rush and something dangerous, our ancestors understand this perfectly as only men are allowed to hunt and protect their females, not the other way around.

But those days are long gone.

The hunting and gathering days are no doubt an era that has the most impact on today's civilized world, with how many of what is being invented today were discovered by the men of the old.

We have indeed improved on those discoveries, but we neglect the morals, ethics, and virtues that made those days memorable for the men of old.

It is said that humans are getting more pressured and depressed as humans progression keeps soaring.

With all this being said, it appears that humans are now taking their minds off the natural and are presently focused on the unnatural, which I believe Equality among genders is one of them.

Nowadays, women seem to settle in the delusion that what a man can do, a woman can do better. While men also like to think that what a woman can do, a man can do better.

This analogy alone doesn’t follow the natural order of things, it’s like saying what winter can do, summer can do better and vice versa.

We are all unique.

Both male and female of a species are unique in their own way and each has their own task to tackle, but seeking equality is something that humans will never be able to do effectively because it doesn’t follow the natural order of things.

When you want to cook, you call a female. When you sight a bear, you call a male. This is the natural order.

Until next time

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


When you want to cook, you call a female. When you sight a bear, you call a male. This is the natural order.

Haha except that is nonsense....

I cook better than most people male or female. Here in the UK men cook!

We have far too many labels in life. The best person for the job should do it, it does not matter whether it is cooking or killing.


Are you married with kids?

If yes, then do you make the meals for the kids everyday of the week all through the year?

If no, then you are blessed for having a great cooking skills but you can’t be the one doing the cooking when you’re married with kids? Or will you?

And yea, the statement is meant to let the best man do the job, but I wonder if your great cooking skills would want to make you be the one making the meals for your woman and the kids all day long?

The woman is best with kitchen and cooking stuffs and no matter how good a man can be with it a woman have got the passion and instinct for it than a man could ever imagine.
