common mistakes you should not make when playing Splinterlands!


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De nuevo una legendaria para el Share Your Battle ¡Que bien! A mi me gusta mucho jugar batallas de mana bajo y por eso me encanta Spirit Hoarder, es una carta que brilla en esas batallas pero que sirve para lo que sea, así que espero que este post te agrade. Estoy estrenando nuevo contenido para mis desafíos de batalla así que ¡Empecemos!



Once again a legendary card for the Share Your Battle contest of Splinterlands! I really like to play low mana battles because you need to be s and that's why I love Spirit Hoarder, it's a card that shines in those battles but it's good for anything, so I hope you like this post. I'm releasing new content for my battle challenges so let's get started!




Spirit Hoarder es una carta legendaria de Chaos Legion y que forma parte de las cartas neutrales. Es de ataque mágico con unas estadísticas bajas pensadas para ser un apoyo en batallas con poco mana pero gracias a sus habilidades puede servir en muchos escenarios diferentes, incluidos los de mana alto. Fue una de las cartas otorgadas en el airdrop de Chaos Legion, que hace poco soltó su ultima carta.

¿Cómo le sacas provecho a esta carta?

Es por sus habilidades que esta carta brilla, desde el nivel 1 ya tiene su habilidad mas importante y por lo que mas se usa a esta carta, que es Triage, ahora gracias a Dispel es buenisima para eliminar efectos de Bloodlust y Blind es una habilidad que siempre es bienvenida. Esta carta es perfecta para aplicar estrategias de curacion.

Hablando del precio.

Su precio actual de mercado es el siguiente:

  • BCX Regular: 5.94$

  • BCX Dorado: 43.98$

Eso significa que llevar esta carta al nivel máximo en su forma regular te costará aproximadamente 66$ y en su versión dorada, unos 176$.

La edición Chaos Legion pronto se va a terminar de vender así que si quieres tener una copia de esta carta debes aprovechar el mercado ahora mismo.

Fortalezas y debilidades.

  • Esta carta es buena con estos rulesets:

  • Esta carta es débil con estos rulesets:

  • Y no se puede usar con estos rulesets:

Spirit Hoarder is a legendary card from the Chaos Legion edition of Splinterlands and is part of the neutral cards. It is a magic attack card with very low stats designed to be a support in low mana battles but thanks to its abilities it can serve as a support in many different scenarios, including high mana ones. It was one of the cards awarded in the Chaos Legion airdrop, which recently released its last card.

How do you take advantage of this card?

It is because of its abilities that this card shines like gold on the battles, from level one it already has Triage, its most important ability and what this card is most used for the players, which is Triage, now thanks to Dispel it is great for removing Bloodlust effects and Blind is an ability that is always welcome. This card is perfect to apply healing strategies.

Talking about the price.

Its current market price is as follows:

  • BCX Regular: $5.94

  • BCX Gold: 43.98$.

That means that taking this card to the maximum level in its regular form will cost you approximately $66 and in its golden version, about $176.

The Chaos Legion edition will soon be sold out so if you want to get your hands on a copy of this card you should take advantage of the market right now.

Strengths and weaknesses.

  • This card is good with these rulesets:

  • This card is weak with these rulesets:

  • And it cannot be used with these rulesets:



Target Practice + Unprotected; 32 Mana Cap

Round 1


  • Usé a Hill Giant como mi tanque para ahorrar mana, es una carta perfecta para esto porque tiene mucha vida y cuesta solo tres puntos.

  • Regal Peryton es mi segunda carta porque puede servir como tanque gracias a su velocidad y su vida, asi daria una segunda capa de aguante.

  • Goblin Psychic se encargará de curar a mi Hill Giant que gracias al ruleset va a recibir poco daño.

  • Spirit Hoarder se va a encargar de curar a mi Mycelic Slipspawn que será objetivo de todos los ataques gracias a su Taunt.

  • Khmer Princess servirá como un apoyo para hacer daño.

  • Mycelic Slipspawn al final, con su Taunt va a desviar todos los ataques del enemigo hacia el para servir como un segundo tanque aun cuando el primero sigue vivo.

  • I used Hill Giant as my tank on the first position to save mana, it's a perfect card for this because it has a lot of life and costs only three points.

  • Regal Peryton is my second card on this battle because it can serve as a tank thanks to its speed and life, so it would give a second layer of stamina.

  • Goblin Psychic will be in charge of healing my Hill Giant that thanks to the ruleset will take little damage.

  • Spirit Hoarder will be in charge of healing my Mycelic Slipspawn that will be the target of all attacks thanks to its Taunt.

  • Khmer Princess will serve as a support to deal damage.

  • Mycelic Slipspawn at the end of the lineup, with his Taunt will deflect all enemy attacks towards him to serve as a second tank even if the first one is still alive.


Round 2


Como dice el titulo de mi post, esta batalla es un ejemplo claro de un gran error que cometen muchos con el ruleset Target Practice, y ese error es jugar las cartas como lo harían en una batalla normal. Mi oponente aquí buscó usar el clásico Llama + Kron para potenciar rapido a este ultimo. ¿Donde esta el error? en hacerlo con este ruleset, pues Kron the Undiying es de daño magico y mas temprano que tarde va a ser victima del ruleset que dirigirá todos los ataques de mi equipo hacia el, matandolo antes de que pueda activar el Last Stand. Mi oponente gastó 7 puntos de mana en un invocador que no podrá activar su mejor buff como el lo queria.

As the title of my post says, this battle is a clear example of a big mistake that many people make with the Target Practice ruleset, and that mistake is to play the cards as they would in a normal battle. My opponent here sought to use the classic Flame + Kron to quickly boost Kron, where is the mistake? in doing so with this ruleset, because Kron the Undiying is magic damage and sooner rather than later he will be the victim of the ruleset that will direct all the attacks of my team towards him, killing him before he can activate Last Stand. My opponent spent 7 mana points on a summoner that won't be able to activate his best buff as he wanted.


Round 3


Mi Goblin Psychic se encargaba de curar a mi Hill Giant del daño del Pelacor mientras mi Spirit Hoarder curaba al Mycelic Slipspawn del daño recibido por el resto de las cartas, al mismo tiempo Kron recibia tanto daño de mi equipo que incluso con su curacion se le hacia imposible sobrevivir.

Ese error pequeño le costó una partida a mi oponente, Kron y Llama son dos de las cartas mas caras y poderosas de todo el juego y aqui estan reducidas a nada gracias a una buena estrategia.

My Goblin Psychic was in charge of healing my Hill Giant from Pelacor damage while my Spirit Hoarder healed the Mycelic Slipspawn from the damage received by the rest of the cards, at the same time Kron was taking so much damage from my team that even with his healing it was impossible for him to survive.

That small mistake cost my opponent a game, Kron and Llama are two of the most expensive and powerful cards in the whole game and here they are reduced to nothing thanks to a good strategy.


Final Round


Y al final la carta que activo el Last Stand fue la que mi oponente menos hubiese querido para tal. Ya no habia nada mas que hacer salvo esperar a que mis monstruos hicieran su trabajo y terminaran de darme la victoria. Lo digo siempre y lo repito aqui, piensa bien tus jugadas, estar un paso delante de tu oponente es lo que te hace ganar partidas.


And in the end the card that activated the Last Stand ability was the one that my opponent would have wanted the least. There was nothing else to do but wait for my monsters to do their job and finish giving me the victory. I always say it and I repeat it here, think well your moves, being one step ahead of your opponent is what makes you win games.



Entender los puntos debiles donde le puedes sacar ventaja a tu enemigo es primordial para convertirte en un buen jugador ¡enfocate en mejorar eso y veras como tu winrate aumentará muchisimo!

Recuerda que toda carta tiene una utilidad real y siempre podras sacarles ventaja si las estudias y analizas bien los datos que tienes a la mano, Muchas gracias por haber leído y espero que te haya gustado, no olvides seguirme si quieres ver mas contenido como este y nos vemos en mi siguiente post. ¡Saludos!

Understanding the weak points on battles where you can take advantage of your enemy is essential to become a good player, focus on improving that and you will see how your winrate will increase a lot!

Remember that every card has a utility in this game and you can always take advantage of them if you study them and analyze well the data you have at hand, Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it, do not forget to follow me if you want to see more content like this and see you in my next post. greetings!


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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

Gracias por leer.png


yes I use this card combined with magic cards it always helps to recover part of life
