[ESP-ENG] Don't be scared of Even Stevens!



¡Un nuevo #BattleMageSecrets ha aparecido en Splinterlands y es hora de volver a la batalla a darlo todo! Esta vez tenemos otro ruleset de los mas clasicos del juego y que fue de los primeros en aparecer, estamos hablando de Even Stevens, asi que vamos a hacerle un analisis a esta regla de batalla y a ver una espectacular batalla en este post.

Hello all! a new #BattleMageSecrets has appeared in Splinterlands this week and it's time to return to the battlefield to give it all! This time we have another of the most classic ruleset of the game and that was one of the first to appear, we are talking about Even Stevens, so let's make an analysis of this battle rule and see a spectacular battle in this post.

Even Stevens

El ruleset Even Stevens es uno de los mas limitantes de todo el juego, y es que su funcionamiento se basa en no permitir el uso en la batalla para aquellas cartas cuyo costo de mana no sea un numero par, esto de entrada elimina alrededor de la mitad de las cartas del juego y eso sumado a los demas limitantes comunes de una batalla puede determinar muchisimo a la misma. Es uno de los rulesets que mas conocimiento sobre el juego exige.

¿Cómo sacarle provecho a este ruleset?

La verdad es que no hay una forma real de sacarle provecho al ruleset mas allá de demostrar tu habilidad en batalla, vas a tener que poner todo tu conocimiento en marcha para armar el mejor equipo posible entre las posibilidades que vas a tener a la mano, asi que practica mucho si quieres dominarlo de verdad.

Algo que si es bastante notorio con este ruleset es que si tienes buen conocimiento de las cartas y basandote en el resto de reglas de la batalla te sera bastante facil anticipar bien que cartas va a utilizar tu rival, o mejor dicho, tener una muy buena idea de cuales cartas puede usar, asi que ten eso en mente.

The Even Stevens ruleset is one of the most limiting of the entire game right now, and its operation is based on not allowing, it's mean, baning the use in the battle for those cards whose mana cost is not an even number, this eliminates from the beggining about half of the cards in the game and that added to the other common limitations of a battle can determine a lot to it. It is one of the rulesets that requires the most knowledge about the game.

How to take advantage of this ruleset?

The truth about this is that there is no real way to take advantage of the ruleset beyond demonstrating your skill in battle, you will have to put all your knowledge in place to assemble the best possible team among the possibilities that you will have at hand, so practice a lot if you want to really master it.

One thing that is quite noticeable with this ruleset is that if you have good knowledge of the cards and based on the rest of the rules of the battle it will be quite easy to anticipate well what cards your opponent will use, or rather, have a very good idea of what cards he can use, so keep that in mind.


Weak Magic + Even Stevens; 41 Mana cap


Round 1

Lily Shieldpaw se convirtió en uno de mis invocadores favoritos gracias a su excelente combinacion de habilidades, por eso la utilizo.

  • Vruz como tanque sera el objetivo principal de los ataques enemigos gracias a mi invocador, lo que activara obligatoriamente su Martyr.

  • Diemonshark esta en segunda posicion para aprovecharse del Martyr y luego con Enrage convertirse en una salvajada.

  • Djinn Cwhala sera un segundo tanque si mi Diemonshark pierde.

  • Djinn Oshannus con su ataque magico es una amenaza latente en todo momento.

  • Lo mismo para Deeplurker, que gracias a su Oportunity y su gran daño siempre es peligroso.

  • Por ultimo, y segura de todo ataque, esta Naga Assasin que sera un soporte para el equipo.

Lily Shieldpaw became one of my favorite summoners thanks to her excellent combination of skills, that's why I use her.

  • Vruz is here as my tank because he will be the main target of enemy attacks thanks to my summoner, which will obligatorily activate his Martyr.

  • Diemonshark is in second position to take advantage of the Martyr and then with Enrage become a savagery.

  • Djinn Cwhala will be a second tank if my Diemonshark loses.

  • Djinn Oshannus with his magic attack is a latent threat at all times.

  • The same for Deeplurker, who thanks to his Opportunity and his great damage is always dangerous.

  • Last but not least, and safe from all attacks, is Naga Assasin who will be a support for the team.


Round 2

Vruz cumplió su objetivo y el Enrage de mi Diemonshark se activo, dejándolo listo para hacer mucho daño. Gracias a mi invocador todas mis cartas en la segunda linea están seguras de recibir daño, dejándolas atacar con total seguridad.

Vruz fulfilled his objective and my Diemonshark's Enrage was activated, leaving him ready to do a lot of damage. Thanks to my summoner all my cards in the second line are safe from taking damage, allowing them to attack with total security.


Round 3

Mi Diemonshark estaba cerca de caer pero antes iba a llevarse al contrario en esta ronda, activando ademas su Trample y dejandome con una gran ventaja en la batalla. El Enrage fue importantisimo porque gracias a esa velocidad extra mi tanque pudo esquivar el ataque que necesitaba para asi no caer en la ronda pasada y otorgarme esa ventaja.

My Diemonshark was about to fall but first he was going to take the opponent in this round, activating his Trample and leaving me with a great advantage in the battle. The Enrage was very important because thanks to that extra speed my tank was able to dodge the attack I needed to avoid falling in the last round and give me that advantage.


Round 4

No pasaron mayores cosas en esta ronda salvo que ambos tanques cayeron derrotados, pero quede yo con ventaja sobre mi oponente por que el Baakjira enemigo no tenia puntos de ataque, y eso lo dejaba en una mala posicion con respecto a mi, que seguia haciendo daño continuo y ademas mi tanque ahora le haria daño a la carta mas peligrosa de mi oponente, el Deeplurker.

There's nothing much happened in this round except that both tanks were defeated on the battle, but I had the advantage over my opponent because the enemy Baakjira had no hit points, and that left him in a bad position with respect to me, who was still doing continuous damage and also my tank would now do damage to the most dangerous card of my opponent, the Deeplurker.



Si bien la batalla se alargó un par de rondas mas, el resultado ya estaba mas que escrito y todo se centró en dos cosas, añadir mucho daño combinado y tener un nivel adecuado de las cartas, lo que me daba mucha ventaja desde el inicio de la batalla.

While the battle dragged on for a couple more rounds, the outcome was already more than written and it all came down to two things, adding a lot of combo damage and having the right level of cards, which gave me a big advantage from the start of the battle.





Entender los puntos debiles donde le puedes sacar ventaja a tu enemigo es primordial para convertirte en un buen jugador ¡enfocate en mejorar eso y veras como tu winrate aumentará muchisimo!

Recuerda que toda carta tiene una utilidad real y siempre podras sacarles ventaja si las estudias y analizas bien los datos que tienes a la mano, Muchas gracias por haber leído y espero que te haya gustado, no olvides seguirme si quieres ver mas contenido como este y nos vemos en mi siguiente post. ¡Saludos!

Understanding the weak points on battles where you can take advantage of your enemy is essential to become a good player, focus on improving that and you will see how your winrate will increase a lot!

Remember that every card has a utility in this game and you can always take advantage of them if you study them and analyze well the data you have at hand, Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it, do not forget to follow me if you want to see more content like this and see you in my next post. greetings!


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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

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