Have you participated in tournaments? [ESP-ENG]




Los torneos son sin duda uno de esos temas de los que poco se habla entre los nuevos jugadores y eso es un error tremendo porque estos tienen un potencial increible y creo que es muy bueno hablar de ellos.

Hoy les voy a traer una experiencia que estoy teniendo en el torneo Chaos Legion DEC + Booster Packs! creado por @marianaemilia, muy entretenido por cierto.

Quiero dar mi punto de vista sobre todos los puntos que para mi son positivos y negativos de los torneos en Splinterlands, asi que este sera un post completamente subjetivo y por supuesto, abierto a sus opiniones. Asi que no esperemos mas y ¡vamos con el post!

Tournaments are undoubtedly one of those topics that are rarely talked about among new players and that is a tremendous mistake because they have an incredible potential and I think it is very good to talk about them.

Today I'm going to bring you an experience I'm having in the tournament Chaos Legion DEC + Booster Packs! created by @marianaemilia, very entertaining by the way.

I want to give my point of view about all the points that for me are positive and negative of the tournaments in Splinterlands, so this will be a completely subjective post and of course, open to your opinions. So let's not wait any longer and let's go with the post!




Empecemos con los datos tecnicos de este torneo:

  • La cuota de entrada era de 600 DEC. (Yo pague menos por entrar en una liga menor)

  • Liga Novato (cartas a nivel 1).

  • Ediciones Untamed y Chaos Legion.

  • Sin Legendarias.

Para este torneo termine pagando en total 40.049 DEC entre la cuota de entrada y lo demas para rentar las cartas que me faltan en mi coleccion. Si vemos la lista de premios entonces se entiende que con quedar al menos por encima del puesto 44 (de 247 totales) ya ganarias casi el doble de DEC que gaste para participar en este torneo.

Suena facil, pero en la practica no es tan sencillo, debo quedar por encima de otros 202 jugadores que participan en este torneo, y eso es lo que mas me llama la atencion de estos torneos, la competencia.

Asi que hablemos primero de las cosas buenas sobre los torneos:

Ventajas de los torneos.

Let's start with the technical data of this tournament:

  • Entry fee was 600 DEC (I paid less to enter a minor league).

  • Rookie League (cards at level 1).

  • Untamed and Chaos Legion editions.

  • No Legendaries.

For this special tournament I ended up paying a total of 40,049 DEC between the entry fee and the rest to rent the cards I am missing in my collection. If we look at the prize list then it is understood that by placing at least above 44th place (out of 247 total) you will earn almost double the DEC I spent to participate in this tournament.

It sounds easy, but in practice it is not so simple, I must be above 202 other players participating in this tournament, and that is what attracts me the most attention of these tournaments, the competition.

So let's talk first about the good things about the tournaments:

Advantages of tournaments.

  • La experiencia.

Creo que este es el punto mas importante de lo que se obtiene en un torneo, la mayoria de jugadores de torneos son jugadores reales y se encuentra pocos bots por esa razon, haciendo que los torneos sean mas competitivos que las batallas clasificatorias, aprenderas muchisimo sin importar si ganas o pierdes.

  • La visibilidad.

Si la mayoria de jugadores de torneos son humanos y no bots, esto significa que personas reales estan viendo tu desempeño en tiempo real y eso empieza a generar visibilidad hacia ti como jugador, muy bueno si eres streamer o si publicas contenido en Hive, ademas que puedes hacer amigos y colegas en el juego gracias a esto e incluso generarte ''publicidad'' si buscas acceder a un clan de prestigio.

  • Los premios , claro.

Como dije mas arriba, este torneo otorga 60 DEC a los jugadores que terminen entre las posiciones 35-44 y por eso es importante hacerlo lo mejor posible, por esos casi 40 DEC alquile todo el mazo disponible que se podia usar en este torneo y ya eso me dio una ventaja en mis batallas. Ahora mismo estoy en la posicion numero 4, si terminara ahi me ganaria 400 DEC, osea un x10 de mi inversion inicial. ¿No es genial?

Y eso no termina ahi, hay torneos que ofrecen pagos mucho mejores y con una competencia mas alta claro (Asi como los hay inferiores, en los torneos hay cabida para todos). Es importante el stake de SPS para acceder a los torneos que solicitan estos (suelen tener mejores recompensas) y el Airdrop es una muy buena oportunidad para completar esa cantidad requerida.

  • Experience.

I think this part is the most important point of what you can get as a prize in a tournament, most of this tournaments players are real players and you will find few bots for that reason, making tournaments more competitive than qualifier battles, you will learn a lot no matter if you win or lose.

  • Visibility.

If most tournament players are human and not bots, this means that real people are watching your performance in real time and that starts to generate visibility to you as a player, very good if you are a streamer or if you publish content on Hive, plus you can make friends and colleagues in the game thanks to this and even generate ''publicity'' if you are looking to access a prestigious clan.

  • The prizes, of course.

As I said above, this tournament awards 60 DEC to players who finish between positions 35-44 and that is why it is important to do the best possible, for those almost 40 DEC I rented all the available deck that could be used in this tournament and that already gave me an advantage in my battles. Right now I'm in position number 4, if I finished there I would earn 400 DEC, that's a x10 of my initial investment, isn't it great?

And it doesn't end there, there are tournaments that offer much better payouts and with a higher competition of course (just as there are lower ones, in tournaments there is room for everyone). It is important the SPS stake to access the tournaments that request these (usually have better rewards) and the Airdrop is a very good opportunity to complete the required amount.



¿ Y las desventajas?

  • El dominio del juego.

Si aun no has dominado al menos lo basico del juego sin duda es una desventaja, aunque no del torneo como tal si no tuya. Pero afecta de igual forma, ¿Pero como te haras bueno si no participas? creo yo que es preferible perder unos cuantos DEC al principio para que te vayas formando como jugador y las victorias empezaran a llegar poco a poco.

  • Los terceros.

Cualquiera con una cuenta puede crear un torneo y me paso una vez que participe en un torneo de SplinterMammoth en el que jamas me enviaron los tokens que gane de acuerdo a mi posicion en dicho torneo, con los tokens ingame el propio juego se hace cargo de repartir los premios pero cuando son tokens de tercero ya no pueden hacerlo y creo que hay personas que se aprovechan de eso y al final lo que se mancha son los torneos, por eso hay que recurrir a torneos que sean conocidos por su veracidad.

And the disadvantages?

  • The mastery of the game.

If you have not yet mastered the game, it is certainly a disadvantage, although not of the tournament as such, but yours. But it affects in the same way, but how will you become good if you do not participate? I think it is preferable to lose a few DEC at the beginning so that you go forming as a player and the victories will begin to arrive little by little.

  • Third parties.

Anyone with an account can create a tournament and it happened to me once I participated in a SplinterMammoth tournament in which they never sent me the tokens I won according to my position in the tournament, with ingame tokens the game itself is responsible for distributing the prizes but when they are third party tokens they can not do it and I think there are people who take advantage of that and in the end what is stained are the tournaments, so you have to resort to tournaments that are known for their veracity.


¿Poco DEC? mira esto:

Organiza tu tiempo para que este coincida con los torneos que quieres jugar y justo para ese dia alquilas las cartas que necesitas para jugar el torneo y al mismo tiempo dejas acumular tus quests para hacer dos seguidas el mismo dia y asi obtienes 2 recompensas de mision y juegas los torneos con el mismo alquiler, conozco personas que se dedican enteramente a hacer esto y les va muy bien.

Podrias hacer esto en un dia como hoy y jugar con el mismo set de cartas (unos 50 DEC) tus 2 quest y todos estos torneos de aqui abajo:

Little DEC? check this out:

Organize your time so that it coincides with the tournaments you want to play and just for that day you rent the cards you need to play the tournament and at the same time you let accumulate your quests to do two in a row the same day and so you get 2 mission rewards and play the tournaments with the same rental, I know people who are entirely dedicated to do this and they do very well.

You could do this on a day like today and play with the same set of cards (about 50 DEC) your 2 quests and all these tournaments down here:


Aqui les dejo algunas batallas de torneo que tuve, aunque el torneo es nivel Novice aparecen muchos rulesets combinados como en batallas de nivel alto, eso da mucha experiencia incluso siendo nuevo en el juego.

Here are some tournament battles I had, although the tournament is Novice level, there are many rulesets combined as in high level battles, that gives a lot of experience even being new to the game.


Super Sneak + Heavy Hitters



Fog of War + Explosive Weaponry



Close Range + Earthquake



Los torneos tienen muchas cosas buenas y a mi parecer, ninguna mala, asi que yo recomiendo jugar todos los torneos posibles para ir obteniendo experiencia y entre eso, muchos premios.

¿Tu que piensas de los torneos en Splinterlands?

The tournaments have many a lot of good things and in my opinion, none bad, so I recommend playing as many tournaments as possible to gain experience and among that, many prizes.

What do you think about the tournaments in Splinterlands?


Si eres hispano y quieres unirte a un clan haz click aqui

Click the image  you wanna play Splinterlands!

All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

Gracias por leer.png


5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://peakd.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem
