A mighty woman who fights for her family



Hello, my friends...
This time I want to share a story about a cake seller in the corner of the city where I live. As usual, I always hunt for photos with my camera, as for the location I will explore for the day is the market where I live. I continued walking down the alleys of the market which was bustling with traders and buyers. Well, when I stopped in one of the market aisles, there was a woman who was around 56 years old according to her confession.

Kali ini ingin berbagi cerita tentang seorang wanita penjual kue di sudut kota tempat saya tinggal. Seperti biasa, aku selalu berburu foto dengan kamera milikku, adapun lokasi yang akan saya explore hari adalah pasar di tempat saya tinggal. Aku terus berjalan menelusuri lorong-lorong pasar yang ramai pedagang dan pembeli. Nah, ketika aku berhenti disalah satu lorong pasar tersebut, terlihat ada seorang wanita yang usianya sekitar 56 tahun menurut pengakuannya.


I immediately approached the woman, because as usual before I took a photo, I had to ask permission from the person I was going to shoot. Next, I asked her to chat and started asking a few questions so that the woman would not feel uncomfortable when I took her picture.

Aku segera menghampiri wanita tersebut, karena seperti biasa sebelum aku memotret, terlebih dahalu meminta izin kepada orang yang akan saya potret. Selanjutnya aku mengajak ngobrol dirinya dan mulai mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan supaya wanita tersebut tidak merasa risih pada saat aku memotretnya.


Juwairyah, the woman's name, she has been selling here for about 32 years. Every afternoon this woman leaves her house not far from where she sells. This woman has 4 children, while her husband died about 7 years ago.

Juwairyah nama wanita tersebut, dia telah berjualan disini sekitar 32 tahun lamanya. Setiap sore wanita ini berangkat dari rumahnya yang tidak jauh dari tempat dia berjualan. Wanita ini memiliki 4 orang anak, sedangkan suaminya telah meninggal dunai sekitar 7 tahun yang lalu.


I really salute and sad to hear the story of this woman, even though she is not young and the energy is not strong anymore, but her enthusiasm to find fortune is extraordinary in my opinion. This is a short story of a mighty woman who fights for the economic needs of her family.

Aku sangat salut dan sedih mendengar cerita wanita ini, Meskipun usianya tidak muda dan tenaga tidak kuat lagi, namun semangatnya mencari rejeki sangat luar biasa menurut saya. Inilah lah cerita singkat dari seorang wanita perkasa yang berjuang demi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarnya.


After I took some pictures of him, I said goodbye to go home. Previously, I also asked the woman's permission again, that all the pictures and stories of her life for me to publish on social media.

Setelah aku mengambil beberapa gambar dirinya, akupun berpamitan pulang. Sebelumnya aku juga meminta izin lagi kepada wanita tersebut, bahwa semua gambar dan ceritan kehidupannya untuk saya publikasikan di media sosial.


All of these images are also my entry into the #monomad photography challenge, which is organized by @monochromes.

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ALL Images Taken With Canon M100 Lens Kit 15-45 STM + 55-250 IS II STM
Locations : Aceh, Indonesian
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