The Song "Ugly Girl" And Playing Rising Star Game



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Many girls like to be called beautiful. But not all the girl are beautiful. Some are very beautiful. Some are normally beautiful. Some are ugly. The ugly girls have less confidence in love. They also have less chances to get a boyfriend than others. When soome ugly girls do not get the boy they liked. They depressed and liked to eat too much. So, their weights are increased and they think they becomes fat and more ugly. So, they tried to lose weight. But they can not stop their eating habits, so their weights are increased more.

In this song, the girl is like that. She didn't get the boy she liked. So, she is depressed and eat more. When her weight is increased, she tried to lose weight. Although she is saying that she is going to lose weight, her weight increases more and more. This is the life pattern and struggle of some girls. The composer depicted it in this song and I like it. The title of the song is "Ugly Girl". The composer of the song is Sai Sai Kham Hlaing. The singer of the song is Wine Su Khine Thein.


When I was born from y mother

My father called me, beautiful daughter
Between Thanakha and Pakokya I always apply it on my cheek fascinatedly

Lipstick with Revlon label

Take out the mirror and look
A beauty contest when I grow up
I can not beat no one I really fat? one is interested in me
Wow....always fail name is ugly

Among the girls

Who is popular
I secretly liked the boy
One-sided love and panting
Imagination into a dream
When he got a girlfriend, and I left
I am depressed and eat too much
My body's weight is increased

Wow.. Am I so fat?
Wow... no one is interested in me
Wow.....always fail name is ugly

I'm going to lose weight I'm going to lose weight I'm going to lose weight
130 pounds
I'm going to lose weight I'm going to lose weight I'm going to lose weight
140 pounds
I'm going to lose weight I'm going to lose weight I'm going to lose weight
150 pounds
I'm going to lose weight I'm going to lose weight I'm going to lose weight
190 pounds I really fat? one is interested in me
Wow....always fail name is Ugly
. I really fat? one is interested in me
Wow....always fail name is ugly

**Credit-Sai Sai Kham Hlaing"

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Rising star is a play to earn game in rising star game. I like rising star game .

Today, I bought a pack and opened it. I got two common instrument cards and one rare people card.

They are i165 BK TOY, i211 Classic Tuba and R468 Remi. i165 BK TOY contains 10 luck. i211 Classic Tuba contains 5 luck. R468 Remi contains 135 fans, 90 skill, 3 luck and 3 im.

Now, I have 1521 cards in the game. I have 75030 fans, 12967 luck, 140217 skill and 1661 im.

I completed 7318 total missions. My player ranking for today is 298
