[ESP-ENG] La llegada de nuestra gatita Cosita a nuestras vidas 🐾🤍



Hola amigos de esta hermosa comunidad donde compartimos todo lo relacionado con nuestros mascotas que ya son parte de la familia y el cuidado de ellos. Me contenta mucho poder hacer este post y hablarles sobre cómo es tener una gatita en casa y que sentí al tener por primera vez un animal grande y tener que cuidarla.

Hello friends of this beautiful community where we share everything related to our pets that are already part of the family and the care of them. I am very happy to be able to make this post and talk to you about what it is like to have a kitten at home and what it felt like to have a big animal for the first time and have to take care of her.


Mi gatita llegó en un momento inesperado, supongo que eso fue lo mejor, ella vivía en la calle la vimos desde la ventana del apartamento, en el edificio ya habíamos visto que se metían gatos y hasta perros pero lo que hacíamos era darles comida y dejar que ellos convivieran en el lugar, algunas personas no les gustaba esto porque simplemente no tienen afecto hacia ningún animal. Entonces todos los gatos siempre terminaban huyendo de aquí no sé si sería porque los espantaban para que se fueran.

My kitten arrived at an unexpected moment, I guess that was the best thing, she lived on the street we saw her from the apartment window, in the building we had already seen cats and even dogs getting in but what we did was to give them food and let them live in the place, some people did not like this because they simply do not have affection towards any animal. Then all the cats always ended up running away from here, I don't know if it was because they were scared away.

Recuerdo que un octubre del año 2020 en plena pandemia mi hermana estaba asomada en la ventana y vio algo de color blanco pero un poco sucio y dijo: Mira hay un gato debajo de un carro. Por inercia todos le dijimos súbelo al apartamento y ella lo hizo porque siempre ha sido muy amante de los animales pero sobre todo los gatos.

I remember one October 2020 in the middle of the pandemic my sister was leaning out the window and saw something white but a little dirty and said: Look there is a cat under a car. By inertia we all told her to take it up to the apartment and she did it because she has always been very fond of animals but especially cats.

Al verla dentro del apartamento se veía bastante mal cosa que nos dió tristeza entonces le dimos agua y un poco de comida, ella bebió y comió con cierto miedo pero se dejaba tocar a pesar de no conocer el ambiente en el que se encontraba. Tratamos de darle un baño pero como ya tenía como más de seis meses por lo que calculamos estaba muy grande y nadie la acostumbro de pequeña a esto por lo que salió muy mal, mi hermana lo intento muchas veces pero no podíamos.

When we saw her inside the apartment she looked pretty bad which made us sad so we gave her water and some food, she drank and ate with some fear but she let us touch her even though she didn't know the environment she was in. We tried to give her a bath but as she was already more than six months old by what we calculated she was very big and nobody got her used to this when she was little so it went very bad, my sister tried many times but we could not.


Mi mamá siempre nos había llevado mascotas a la casa pero siempre eran animales pequeños, loros, tortugas, peces y pajaritos. Ella nunca había querido tener una mascota más grande porque eso implicaba que tendríamos que darle de comer y bueno mantenerla en buen estado, también como vivimos en un apartamento decía que era un sitio muy cerrado para tener una mascota.

My mom had always brought pets to our house but they were always small animals, parrots, turtles, fish and birds. She had never wanted to have a bigger pet because that implied that we would have to feed it and keep it in good condition, also since we lived in an apartment she said it was a very closed place to have a pet.


Pero cuando llegó a la casa nuestra gatita llamada Cosita 🙈🐾🐱 mi mamá se enamoro de ella, tanto así que dijo que la dejáramos unos días dentro del apartamento para que se recuperara la gata pero pasaron los meses y se quedó con nosotros. Mi mamá se puso muy cariñosa con ella y la gatita le agarro demasiado cariño a ella. Aunque le habíamos preparado una camita para que durmiera cómoda ella se iba a cualquier lugar a dormir hasta que agarro confianza y ahora duerme en la cama de mi mamá jajaja quién lo diría.

But when our kitten called Cosita 🙈🐾🐱 arrived home, my mom fell in love with her, so much so that she said we should leave her in the apartment for a few days so that the cat could recover, but months passed and she stayed with us. My mom became very affectionate with her and the kitten became very fond of her. Although we had prepared a little bed for her to sleep comfortably she would go anywhere to sleep until she gained confidence and now she sleeps in my mom's bed hahaha who would have thought.


Ella es de color blanco con pequeños detalles amarillos en su cola, es muy tranquila casi nunca se pone agresiva y tiene unos ojos azules muy bellos que amo demasiado. Me da mucha ternura porque ella a veces nos lame las manos y eso es algo nuevo para nosotros y lo tomamos como que ya ella nos tiene cariño y se siente en confianza para hacerlo. Siempre hace sus necesidades en el arenero y bebé su agua en el mismo lugar, es muy obediente jajaja creo que por eso se ganó el corazón de mi mamá.

She is white with little yellow details on her tail, she is very calm, almost never gets aggressive and she has beautiful blue eyes that I love very much. It makes me very tender because she sometimes licks our hands and that is something new for us and we take it as if she is already fond of us and feels confident to do it. She always does her business in the sandbox and drinks her water in the same place, she is very obedient hahaha I think that's why she won my mom's heart.



Nos encanta tomarle fotos porque a veces se pone en unas posiciones muy raras jaja 😅, y sale majestuosa en otras ocasiones con ese pelaje brillante y sus ojazos azules. La parte favorita del día de mi gatita es cuando escucha llegar a mi mamá del trabajo es increíble puede estar durmiendo profundamente pero si escucha la voz de mi mamá se va inmediatamente a dónde está ella y se pone cariñosa. También le gusta jugar y arañar los muebles, ya el mueble tiene impresa la marca de sus garras por todos lados jajaja.

We love taking pictures of her because sometimes she gets into some really weird positions haha 😅, and she comes out majestic at other times with that shiny fur and her big blue eyes. My kitty's favorite part of the day is when she hears my mom coming home from work she is amazing she can be sleeping soundly but if she hears my mom's voice she immediately goes to where she is and gets all cuddly. She also likes to play and scratch the furniture, the furniture already has her claw marks all over it hahaha.

Ahora que está más grande nos da miedo perderla porque ellos tienen un tiempo de vida largo si no están en la calle y si no se enferman pero ya es miembro de nuestro hogar y da como nostalgia pensar en que algún día no tendremos esos maullidos, ni la veremos montada encima de lugares altos como a ella le encanta. Pero no me quiero adelantar al futuro quiero disfrutar lo más que pueda los momentos junto a ella.

Now that she is older we are afraid of losing her because they have a long life time if they are not in the street and if they don't get sick but she is already a member of our home and it makes us nostalgic to think that someday we won't have those meows, nor will we see her riding on top of high places as she loves. But I don't want to get ahead of the future, I want to enjoy as much as I can the moments with her.


Creo que tener un gato es algo grandioso porque son tan independientes y a la vez tan leales que marcan tu vida, hay personas que dicen que son malos y los maltratan por favor no hagan eso. Los animales son seres indefensos y no buscan hacerle daño a nadie, solo quieren que los mimes, les des cariño y un techo con comida y agua. No piden demasiado pero ellos nos regalan las alegrías más grandes en el día a día con sus ocurrencias.

I think having a cat is a great thing because they are so independent and at the same time so loyal that they mark your life, there are people who say they are bad and mistreat them please do not do that. Animals are helpless beings and do not seek to harm anyone, they just want to be pampered, give them love and a roof over their heads with food and water. They don't ask for much but they give us the greatest joys in the day to day with their witticisms.


Mi gatita es lo mejor que nos ha pasado y creo que si la vimos en ese momento era porque teníamos que darle un hogar y mucho amor. Ya han pasado casi tres años y cada día es una nueva aventura con ella, ella me genera mucha paz y a cambio yo le doy todo mi amor.

My kitten is the best thing that has happened to us and I believe that if we saw her at that time it was because we had to give her a home and a lot of love. It's been almost three years now and every day is a new adventure with her, she brings me a lot of peace and in return I give her all my love.

Gracias por haber llegado hasta aquí y apoyarme siempre ☺️, nos vemos en un próximo post. (P.d: Espero que les gusten las fotos que le tomé a mi gatita y me comenten si tienen alguna mascota y como ha sido su experiencia conviviendo con ella 😍)
Thank you for having come this far and for always supporting me ☺️, see you in a future post. (P.s: I hope you like the pictures I took of my kitty and let me know if you have a pet and how has been your experience living with them 😍)

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So cute! Good thing your mom was okay with her, I mean who could resist that face? 😆

someday we won't have those meows

It is the same reason why I was so hesitant with taking pets before I had them. When I was younger I would purposely make myself not get attached to pets because I know they will be gone too soon, either being given away by my parents or eaten (chicken) at a birthday. So during those times I just didn’t bother.
Now I realized when you make a commitment of taking care of them properly, it doesn’t make sense avoiding that. So now what we can do is provide them the best care and experience during their short life because the shared experience is worth it.


@hiddenblade You are right dear, those moments are indescribable that nothing matters ♥️ Thanks for reading me and for your sweet comment. Send you a big hug 🤗♥️
