Día de compartir con la familia 💕Day of sharing with the family 💕 Esp/Eng


Un saludo y un abrazo para todos ustedes queridos lectores de @Motherhood

Greetings and a hug to all of you dear @Motherhood readers

El día de hoy quiero comentar y compartir con ustedes un tema muy importante para mi y es el poder compartir con mis seres queridos mi familia que tanto amo y es lo mas bonito que tengo, el poder compartir con ellos cambia todo, casi no nos vemos porque viven en ciudades diferentes y por eso cuando nos reencontramos hacemos cosas como esta, una comelona como decimos en mi país, y les hablo de tres pizza familiar que hice para complacer a mi familia.

Today I want to comment and share with you a very important topic for me and it is being able to share with my loved ones my family that I love so much and it is the most beautiful thing I have, being able to share with them changes everything, we hardly see each other. because they live in different cities and that is why when we meet again we do things like this, a comelona as we say in my country, and I tell you about three family pizza that I made to please my family.


Así de especial pasamos una tarde increíble comiendo una deliciosa pizza y compartiendo en familia

This is how special we spent an incredible afternoon eating a delicious pizza and sharing as a family

Pido a mi Dios todopoderoso que proteja a toda las familias del mundo que nunca las desampares y que siempre tengan el pan de cada día

I ask my almighty God to protect all the families of the world that never abandon them and that they always have their daily bread
