An activity with watercolor


Hello everyone, today was the day to make a free drawing with watercolors. The activities that children like the most are those that are free and they can do whatever they want!!! It's great for creativity and expressing your feelings.


Free drawing is essential for the child's development, in addition to being a super fun activity, it is also a form of communication of child. This is where children express their feelings, ideas, wishes, especially when they are still unable to speak.


When children draw, they create bridges between their imaginary world and what is real, externalizing their worldviews. through the drawing it is possible to see, for example, if the child is shy, if she has self-confidence (which in my class I have some boys without self-confidence) and we can also see what the child's interests are. all this can only be seen if we are sitting with the children attentive and we have patience. working with children is really a job where it takes a lot of patience. if you don't have patience, don't choose this profession because children need a lot of attention, and if you don't have patience, it's not their fault.


At school, free drawing should not be devalued, quite the contrary. it is necessary for it to be seen as a very important resource, free drawing must always be present in the child's development, after all, many children draw to show what they are feeling.


Having the space of drawing as an activity is fundamental for the cognitive, emotional and social development of children, in addition to developing the sense of observation, noticing the variety of colors, shapes and textures.

The drawing allows the child to express themselves, improving control of emotions and also revealing a therapeutic function, as by stimulating artistic activities, children tend to move away from feelings of sadness, detaching themselves from anxiety and even depression.

Through drawing, the child portrays their experiences in the search for their own identity, being a way of expressing their daily lives. when children draw, they work with language, knowledge and imagination, and this helps in the formation of their subjectivity.


Encouraging the practice of drawing for children with reduced motor skills can help them to evolve within their limitations. in addition to the activities with drawings, children also develop creativity, leaving their imagination free.

It is important that we teachers value the child's work, taking the child's drawing as an articulator of their pedagogical practice. it is necessary that we have knowledge of the development and also the stages of design evolution, so that we can understand and assess whether they are evolving.

In the two years we must not impose a correct way for children to draw, as this can hinder future abilities and the children's creative
potential. We must encourage the child to draw, but never force

We must always put the children's names in the work done and I ask them to explain what was drawn. These simple attitudes make us teachers understand if children are evolving.

I hope you liked it, see you soon 😀
