Play outdoors


Hello everyone, many of you already know, but for those who don't know, I work with a group of 24 children aged 4 and 5 in a kindergarten

Today was a spectacular day so for those who don't know we here at the kindergarten are very lucky because we have a forest that I say is the magic forest and we can't make too much noise because there are a lot of animals there and they don't like too much noise especially the horses

What they like most about school is the animals and the forest

I really like to see them happy and they love to lie down on the floor and as the floor was dry today I let them lie down on the floor

I also made a game today that they loved and so I decided to share it with you. Here in Portugal it's called the blind goat game. In this game, you put a blindfold on your eyes and then try to guess who your friend is.

I hope you liked it, see you soon friends 😃


The contact with nature is very important for the children, those are very nice pictures!
