The seasons of the year


Hello everyone, for those who don't know, I work with 4 and 5 year olds in a kindergarten. I'm teaching them a little more about the seasons. They already know a lot but it's always good to remember so they don't forget

I made two chips with them. Here we have an activity sheet for children to train for when they go to the first cycle. I don't know if where you live is like this

Here in the first exercise they had to do it with me at the side because they had to stick the stickers in the right place and if they stuck wrong they couldn't take them off

They wanted to do it by themselves and i left them alone i was next to them to see if they were doing the exercise correctly but they didn't want me to be there 😂😂😂 they are becoming very independent, nursery so fast

They really didn't need me did everything right

In exercise number two they had to draw their favorite season of the year

Funny because I thought they were going to draw everyone in the summer that they love the beach, I even made a calendar and we are counting down to go to the beach

I hope you liked it, see you soon friends 😄
