Fiction: The magic family album (ENG/ ESP)



The magic family album

When Toñito was orphaned, he was no longer the kind, loving and obedient child he had been. His maternal aunt, who had decided to adopt him, although she did not agree with the radical change that Toñito had undergone, understood his rebellious, withdrawn and even sullen behavior.

─He is just a child and surely the death of his parents has affected him a lot -said the aunt when the others pointed out the child's bad behavior.

At school it was no different: Toñito did not participate and did not like to go to recess. He had no friends either, and although the teachers were informed about his case and everything he had experienced, they sometimes lost their patience:

We all know the difficult situation the child has had to live through, but we think it is necessary that you take him to a specialist, before it is too late, they recommended to the aunt at every meeting they held for parents and representatives.



Toñito's aunt, who adored her nephew, did the impossible so that the child would be like before. But no matter how hard she tried, she felt that every day, between her and the child, there was more distance, more silence and even anger.

─You're not my mom and I'm not going to listen to you, Toñito would tell his aunt every time she suggested he do something. Then he would lock himself in his room and sometimes he didn't even want to eat.

─I know I am not your mother, but I am your aunt who loves you, who takes care of you and that is why I tell you that you should eat. -Then Toñito ate slowly, in small bites, as if he were a sick little bird.

One day, the aunt was cleaning out the closet and found an album full of photographs. She was about to put it away again, when Toñito, who was passing by, saw it and asked with interest:

─What is that?

─It's a family album, where there are old photos.

─Can I see it, aunt, can I borrow it? The aunt opened her eyes in great surprise because it was the first time, after the accident, that Toñito showed interest in something.

─Of course, Toñito. You can take it and look at it if you want! -answered Tía and Toñito took the photo album and took it to the room.



With great eagerness, Toñito opened the family album: in it there were many old photographs of people he didn't remember seeing. But around the third page, Toñito noticed a photograph of a young couple holding hands: they were his parents. Excited, Toñito began to cry and kiss the photo: it was the first time, after the car accident, that Toñito saw his mom and dad again. Then he kept looking and there were many pictures of his parents. Toñito was crying and smiling, when his aunt came quietly into the room.

─Aunt, why did my parents leave me alone, why didn't they take me with them? ─ asked the boy letting a stream of tears run down his cheeks. The aunt hugged him and comforted him with tender words, knowing that she had no answer to Toñito's questions. They were hugging each other, looking at every picture, especially the pictures of Toñito's parents.

─Can I keep the album, Aunt, please? -the aunt sensed that a change had taken place in the child and tenderly answered him:

─Of course, it's yours!

From that moment on, Toñito went back to being the cheerful, obedient and good boy he had been before. And every time he felt sad and homesick, he and his aunt would open the album and start looking at the old pictures. That album had not only made Toñito change, it had also become the refuge where he could see his parents again.

The images are free and the text was translated with Deepl.

The Ink Well (1).png


![Click here to read in spanish]
El album mágico de la familia
Cuando Toñito quedó huérfano, dejó de ser el niño amable, cariñoso y obediente que había sido. Su tía materna, quien había decidido adoptarlo, aunque no estaba de acuerdo con el cambio radical que había tenido Toñito, entendía su comportamiento rebelde, retraído y hasta huraño.

─Es apenas un niño y seguro la muerte de sus padres lo ha afectado mucho -decía la tía cuando los otros le señalaban el mal comportamiento del niño.

En la escuela no era diferente: Toñito no participaba y no le gustaba ir al recreo. Tampoco tenía amigos y aunque las maestras estaban informadas de su caso y de todo lo que había vivido, algunas veces perdían la paciencia:

_Todas sabemos la difícil situación que ha tenido que vivir el niño, pero creemos que es necesario que usted lo lleve a un especialista, antes que sea demasiado tarde, le recomendaban a la tía en cada reunión que hacían para padres y representantes.

La tía de Toñito que adoraba a su sobrino, hacía lo imposible para que el niño fuera como antes. Pero por más esfuerzo que hacía, sentía que cada día, entre ella y el niño, había más distancia, más silencio y hasta rabia.

─Tú no eres mi mamá y no voy hacerte caso, le decía Toñito a la tía cada vez que ésta le sugería que hiciera algo. Luego se encerraba en su cuarto y a veces ni quería hasta comer.

─Yo sé que no soy tu madre, pero soy tu tía que te quiere, que ahora te cuida y por eso te digo que debes comer. -le decía la tía con cariño- Entonces Toñito comía despacio, de bocaditos pequeños, como si fuera un pajarito enfermo.

Cierto día, la tía estaba limpiado el closet y encontró un álbum lleno de fotografías. Ya lo iba a guardar nuevamente, cuando Toñito, que pasaba por allí, lo vio y preguntó con interés:
─¿Qué es eso?
─Es un álbum familiar, donde hay fotos viejas.
─¿Puedo verlo, tía? ¿Me lo prestas? La tía abrió los ojos con mucha sorpresa porque era la primera vez, después del accidente, que Toñito mostraba interés por algo.
─¡Claro, Toñito. Puedes tomarlo y verlo si quieres! -respondió la Tía y Toñito tomó el álbum fotográfico y se lo llevó al cuarto.
Con mucho afán, Toñito abrió el álbum familiar: en él había muchas fotografías viejas, de personas que él no recordaba haber visto. Pero como a la tercera página, Toñito reparó en una fotografía de una joven pareja que estaba tomada de las manos: eran sus padres. Emocionado, Toñito empezó a llorar y a besar la foto: era la primera vez, después del accidente automovilístico, que Toñito volvía a ver a su papá y a su mamá. Entonces siguió viendo y habían muchas fotografías de sus padres. Toñito lloraba y sonreía, cuando su tía entró callada a la habitación.

─¿Tía, por qué mis padres me dejaron solo, por qué no me llevaron con ellos? -preguntó el niño dejando que un raudal de lágrimas corrieran por sus mejillas. La tía lo abrazó y lo consoló con palabras tiernas, sabiendo que que no tenía ni una respuesta para las preguntas de Toñito. Así estuvieron abrazados, viendo los dos cada imagen, deteniéndose especialmente en las fotografías de los padres de Toñito.

_¿Puedo quedarme con el álbum, tía, por favor? -la tía sintió que se había producido un cambio en el niño y tiernamente le contestó:

─¡Claro, es tuyo!
A partir de aquel momento, Toñito volvió a ser el niño alegre, obediente y bueno que había sido antes. Y cada vez que se sentía triste y con nostalgia, él y la tía abrían el album y empezaban a ver las imágenes viejas. Aquel álbum no solo había hecho que Toñito cambiara, también se había convertido en el refugio donde el niño podía ver nuevamente a sus padres.


Photos can hold so many memories, and can help us to re-engage with our younger selves, friends family we remember, and loved ones who have passed on. This is a nice take on the prompt. Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members. Note that our AI tools detect that this story was partially generated by AI. This will affect your rewards.


How so? My story is created without any electronic tools. It is of my own creation.
I would like to know what are the parameters for such a statement. The images are from pixabay generated by I. A. Greetings.


Hi @nancybriti1. We are not concerned with images. Only story content. We use tools to detect AI content because we are increasingly seeing writers produce stories with AI, which they claim is the product of their own imagination.

Are you saying you did not use AI to generate any part of your story?


I am saying just that. Moreover, I'm sad to say that I don't know how to work with A.I. If I did, I wouldn't have responded. I would have accepted and apologized. But that's not the case.
Maybe the type the story I did is so "trite or common", that it may seem like a story generated by A.I. For the next opportunities, I will try to do more "strange" stories or with "less common" twists. Thanks for the exchange of ideas. Regards


We're glad to hear you are not using AI, @nancybriti1. It's unfortunately all to easy, and many writers are using it for some or all of their stories. It does tend to stand out as having common themes and simple language.


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Album like this can change the thinking of someone like this. A change and sudden one has now reign in his heart.
This was a nice read.


Photo albums have lots of stories behind them. They keep the memories of both happy and sad moments. Just a few days ago, I went through a photo album containing my wedding pictures and I saw the pictures of some relatives including my younger brother that graced my wedding less than two years ago but they are no more today. It's not easy. I am glad that the album worked on Tonito's behavior positively.


In your commentary, you capture the whole meaning of the story. Sometimes, photographs are worlds of memories in detention: With them we are able to live past moments, but also to see people who are no longer there. Greetings and thank you for your words.


This story made me feel sad for Toñito's loss, then happy he found a way to cope with it! I'm glad he has such a kind and caring aunt to take care of him!

Great story!
