Un Paso al Vacío (Cuento Corto) | A Step Into The Void (Short Story)



Photo by Yuyeung Lau on Unsplash | Edited with Pixlr X

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Un día de esos en que toca hacer las compras del hogar, caminaba muy a gusto, había buen clima, el sol brillaba y la brisa era fresca, el tipo de energía que te indica que será un buen día y que nada podrá dañarlo. Más felicidad me entró al conseguir todos los pendientes que había en mi lista y me quedó un poco para darme un gustico y comprarme unas chucherías. A mi alrededor también se sentía la misma vibra, las personas alegres bromeaban entre sí como si se conocieran desde hace años, las risas eran contagiosas.

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One of those days when it is time to do the household shopping, I was walking at ease, the weather was nice, the sun was shining and the breeze was fresh, the kind of energy that tells you that it will be a good day and that nothing can harm it. I was even happier when I got all the earrings I had on my list and I had a little left to treat myself and buy some knick-knacks. All around me I felt the same vibe, happy people were joking with each other as if they had known each other for years, the laughter was contagious.

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Photo by Stan B on Unsplash

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Ya estaba cerca de llegar al sitio donde compraría las últimas cosas y continuar a casa; me detuve un momento a hablar con una amiga de la familia, una abuelita muy jovial me contaba sobre sus hijos y las ocurrencias de sus nietos, son unos demonios de Tasmania pero en casa de su abuela son los propios ángeles con alitas y todo. Al despedirme de ella, casi tropiezo con un señor, iba hablando por teléfono y no me vio, se excusó contándome que su hija estaba a punto de dar a luz, no pude evitar emocionarme también y felicitarlo, el hombre agradecido salió corriendo al auto. Un pequeño ruido me llamó la atención, me alertó un no sé qué pero no veía nada hasta que de pronto lo vi: un adorable gatito tratando de cruzar la calle, era hermoso. Estaba con las manos llenas por las compras, así que le grité al señor con quien casi había tropezado para que lo ayudara, pero él seguía en la euforia por ser abuelo, no me escuchó, encendió el carro y se fue.

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I was close to the place where I would buy the last things and continue home; I stopped for a moment to talk to a family friend, a very jovial grandmother was telling me about her children and the witticisms of her grandchildren, they are Tasmanian devils but in her grandmother's house they are the angels themselves with wings and everything. As I said goodbye to her, I almost bumped into a man, he was talking on the phone and didn't see me, he excused himself telling me that his daughter was about to give birth, I couldn't help but get excited too and congratulate him, the grateful man ran out to the car. A small noise caught my attention, I was alerted by an I don't know what but I couldn't see anything until suddenly I saw it: an adorable kitten trying to cross the street, it was beautiful. I was with my hands full from shopping, so I shouted to the gentleman I had almost bumped into to help him, but he was still in the euphoria of being a grandfather, didn't listen to me, turned on the car and drove off.

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Photo by Dorothea OLDANI on Unsplash

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Todo seguía igual, el sol brillante, la brisa fresca, la energía de un buen día pero para mí se tornó gris y triste… El gatito ya "no estaba"… igual nadie lo había notado, era tan pequeño. No pude evitar quedarme en el sitio sin poder moverme y cuando pude hacerlo no me saqué de la mente ese momento y la impotencia por no poder haber hecho algo más que solo gritar… ¿Habré sido sorda y ciega antes también?

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Everything was still the same, the bright sun, the cool breeze, the energy of a good day but for me it became gray and sad... The kitten was "no longer"... no one had noticed it anyway, it was so small. I could not help staying in place without being able to move and when I could do it I could not get out of my mind that moment and the helplessness for not having been able to do something more than just scream... Had I been deaf and blind before too?

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Photo by Nora Hutton on Unsplash | Edited with Pixlr X


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