Book market


On Friday, January 20, I was a little lost in Havana...

(Oh, is time flying or is it my idea?)

I just looked at the characteristics of this photo 👇🏼 and there is the proof; it is that day and not another.


Screen Shot 2023-03-17 at 2.51.40 PM.png

Well, anyway, I must concentrate now on what I want to say, even if it's just memories and some reflections.
Hasn't it ever happened to you that you look at a photo closely and you see something in it that leaves you on a stuck, dead-end street? It's probably nothing, but sometimes I suffer from certain anxiety attacks because I want to give logical or illogical explanations to everything; but... that page has a mark that says: look at me! Or maybe not, it's not for me to look at. But the mark is there any way... I don't know if you understand me, but it's the same with books.


They are there with their beautiful or suggestive covers and they tell me that I have to look at them, leaf through them, and buy them too. There are so many books that sometimes I prefer to stay away from those shelves because although I can go many hours without eating while reading or writing, I can't make myself a book salad when I'm already faint with hunger, like now.

Let's go get some mangoes then.




I came back 😄

That Friday I went to Havana to a talk show in that bookstore, which is very nice, by the way. My idea was to attend the space entitled Letra de Molde, which offered the writer Dazra Novak, and incidentally buy her book Habana por Dentro.



I did not find the book there, nor in other bookstores where I have been looking for it; however, I had a very nice time, because she was interviewing Dayana Deulofeu Canto, an oral storyteller, very well known in our country, who for 18 years -I thought I heard- narrated, featured and wrote Amanecer Feliz, a tv show for children that is still broadcast in the mornings.


They talked about so many things and I even recorded a bit of that pleasant conversation. But I am not here to bring you precisely that, but some ideas or reflections about books, specifically those of the hostess of the program.


For someone who has suffered at some point in her life from agoraphobia -and I don't think I've been able to get rid of it completely- reading is a balm. As is writing and dreaming. In fact, I don't have Dazra's Havana book because I didn't go to her presentations (twice), to which she even invited me personally. But the thing is that when it was time to leave the house I felt lazy, I started to sweat cold... and nothing, both times I decided to take off my clothes and not go anywhere. However, I made some efforts and I left the house when I was strongly afflicted by that issue and so I was able to attend the presentation of Niñas en la Casa Vieja.


There the writer and her partner gave me the book because I went, yes, but late. In my internal struggle with whether I'm going or not, time ran over me in an unhealthy way. But better late than never, right?



Reading is important, don't doubt it. I read last night on @dswigle's #MarketFriday post that today is Saint Patrick's Day. I really don't know anything about it but I always like to get to the bottom of things, so I feel anxiety when I see an X in the corner of a pristine, white score. It seems I have to get in tune with the day where you have to be green (not grey), and you drink beer. But I'm in Cuba, this isn't Ireland, and I've never drunk beer while reading... maybe it's a good opportunity to start doing that.

Okay, let's order some beers... and pizza.


While the order arrives I'll go through my boxes of books to see if I can find the others I own by Dazra Novak.

Sensuality in Dazra's work is a constant. But it comes in a variety of ways. Sometimes with poetry to rave about and sometimes with a heartbreaking rawness. Her characters (specifically her women) are free, wild, insolent, tender and also a bit cruel. Perhaps because it is in Havana where everything happens and this is a city stopped in time, overwhelmed by a lot of seas and few easy roads.


I must now choose which one to reread and it is very likely to be the one I will finish today with a few beers in my system. Who knows what I will do next.


Original content (text and photos), by @nanixxx

My Social Media Icons by Icons8

All rights reserved ©, 2023.

Contenido original (texto y fotos), por @nanixxx

Íconos de mis Redes Sociales by Icons8

Todos los derechos reservados ©, 2023.






Did the Pizza arrive? I'm taking a P12 rn.

Open the dooorrr!




I think I'll be eating pizza and drinking beer soon 😁.

Empanadas and fried food are for the early morning 🤣


ohhhh I wanna see those pizzas and also the empanadas, u must invite people to those riqueras u take sometimes. 😩

Bon Apetite!



The empanadas are well saved now for late at night as I told you.... I can show you what I'm eating now... And the beer.



Esto está muy rico. El sabor de la albahaca... justo a la medida.

Now I have to read, and get drunk on beer for St. Patrick's Day.

... Y no sola.


All said, then. I won't bother you anymore.
I always loved our aboriginal ancestors



Serás invitado, no te preocupes. Muak.



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@garorant(2/15) tipped @nanixxx (x2)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!


Esa ansiedad por salir de la casa y eso te la quita el croosfit! 😂😂😂☘️💚

That anxiety to get out of the house and that's taken away by croosfit! 😂😂😂☘️💚


Creo que necesito también algo más. Ya veremos. 😉


Bookshops are my favourite shops! I really liked the window display and those old doors. It looks so inviting that you immediately want to forget all other plans and go inside.


It would be interesting to make a photo gallery with rare book libraries... Maybe you visit some there.

Thanks for stopping by, happy weekend.


Aw, Chanel es guapísima con sus ojitos, y saboreando mango 🤩 . Cuidado con el cuchillo por favor, a mi no me gustan nada de nada los cuchillos, pero bueno, soy yo por el 🎹 que si me corto no hay 🎶 aunque se puede tocar y con 9 dedos 😂 Tu dedo va mejor, pero la marca se quedará me imagino para mucho rato.

The destiny was not that chaotic in the end, her father had a lot of understanding letting his copy to someone who could enjoy the experience in an outstanding way. I am thinking, what is the key of being a great writer... I am sure that it involves transforming the situations into new, personal stories carefully woven with thoughts, desires and fantasy. Those stories and books that went through the stampede of creativity can drive away the sadness and silence from every house! Thank you for taking us to this book presentation, it was a pleasure to assist and meet Dazra through your eyes :). And the pizza 🍕 and beer 🍻, how cool. No ice cream? Did the Grandma make tasty pizza? This reminds me that I should eat something and maybe one more, or a few 💊 will have to come. It's coming back, as always, se va y viene 😑


No me gustan los cuchillos, les temo. Y temo -quizás ya lo sabes- a huesos rotos más que a las cortadas...
Las marcas son un recordatorio. Hay algunas que amo más que otras. ¡Viste qué linda la Chanelita de mi corazón! Si pudiera subir video a 3Speak asistirías al verdadero espectáculo que ella es.

I am glad you went there. I don't know if it's my connection but the pictures of the article don't show up, I couldn't listen to the audio either. Those are the things about my beloved magazine that stress me out... Even those stories and books that went through the stampede of creativity take away the sadness and loneliness of the writer... it is as you say, from every house.

Hahaha... ice cream with beer a delicious mixture, but I am waiting to try that en una fecha señalada, maybe soon.

Did the Grandma make tasty pizza?

Estaba muy sabrosa (queda todavía)... si te fijaste, ordené dos ;)

I don't know what else to do to make it go away from you. I've already sent tree, sea... pizza I don't think you want it. It's bad for migraines.

I'm going out to breathe and get mangoes for a smoothie.

Solo descansa...


Un día espero que consigues subir vídeos a 3Speak. Suelo pasar mis veranos en la ciudad al lado del Danubio, por el lado que queda fuera de la Unión Europea. Allí no tengo cobertura que tengo en todos los paises de la UE, tampoco tengo internet en mi vieja casa, creo que una vez te dije que es como vivir de acampada porque repartimos casi todo. Pero, lo que quería decir es que allí compro recargas de internet para móvil and hotspot it to my laptop. Don't know in Spanish como lo diría. Pues y con eso, conseguía subir vídeos por 3speak, aunque iba lento. No sé si en realidad es la cobertura que no te deja subir por 3speak.

I don't know if it's my connection but the pictures of the article don't show up, I couldn't listen to the audio either.

Mostraba solemente una foto y el audio ne iba. It's not just because of your connection then, but the page of the magazine... 🥴

Sí, gracias por el árbol, y el mar, también salí hasta la orilla pero regresé pronto. He cenado y he tomado solamente un paracetamol. Toca cerrar los ojos por unos momentos.

Disfruta de los mangos, que suerte tenerlos en el jardín 🥭💮


¿Cómo estás? Dime que ya se fue esa señorita que pone negro debajo de los ojos.

Yo no quiero ir a trabajar. Me quisiera quedar aquí mirando una película que hace rato quiero volver a ver, es de Julio Médem, de 2010. Es viejita ya, sí. Oh, el tiempo se va volando. Hace días que me suena uno de los temas de su banda sonora en mi cabeza.


Sí, se ha ido, gracias :)

Estoy trabajando en un post y me estoy riendo mucho mientras lo escirbo porque son bobadas 😂

Yo no quiero ir a trabajar.

¿Cómo que no quieres ir?

Hay que ir!


Pues espero con ansias para reírme yo también 😄

Sí, claro que hay que ir. Me vienen a buscar a las 6 😩


Espero cuando vaya, me de tiempo a probar esos mangos 🥭 del patio. Uyyy deben estar ricos, solo de ver la cara de Chanel me da envidia.


Yo creo que sí. Y si no, yo los congelo y te hago batido. jajaja


Si hay leche, fíjate... y corriente 😅.

Aqui también congelamos mangos en la nevera.



It was St. Patrick's Day and I am in the USA, not Ireland! Everybody is Irish on St. Patrick's Day! :)

It is not just going to the talk show at the bookstore for you. It takes up more space in your head for you. I know some people say that you just have to force yourself to overcome, but, just like a sneeze, it is not simple to ignore, in fact, you cannot ignore it, it just happens.

Cute dog, by the way. :)

I can easily get lost in books, nothing else quite matters when I am in that place. But, at this place in my life, I am always busy, there is always something to do. I truly like your style of writing and am always glad to see you posting.

Thank you for supporting the challenge. I post the rules below, not for you, but for anyone reading the post and wondering about the rules.

#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers' markets, and eventually branched out and evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, and even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact that these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world. Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to any type of market, or anywhere where you pay money for a service. It can be a museum, a movie theatre, or an auction. Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? We like to compare prices, otherwise, it is just pictures of a market!
  3. Post the pictures! No out-of-focus ones, please! Tell a little bit about the pictures that you post. Having many pictures to scroll through does not make a better post without explanation.
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated) If you don't, then #MarketFriday should be your first tag
  5. Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
    . You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
    6.#MarketFriday post should be submitted sometime on Friday UTC
  6. The post MUST be in English
  7. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it

#MarketFriday loves you!


Thank you very much for your words and I'm so glad you like my style of writing. It means a lot to me.
My mind has too much stuff inside it, I need to let go of some of that weight or ballast, sailors would say. My mind can sometimes feel like a ship. ;)
I just write and enjoy the process by letting myself go. That's what I did also in my last post which also has music. Well, it has everything.
I hope that within all the things that occupy you, you can find time to enjoy with your family.

Greetings and thank you again.


Absolutely! Family is #1. Always!
