Undefined ideas. Thinking is a good title from the back. Realities - Original song.


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Several days in absentia, I know. This for me is lost when I talk about maintaining a habit of exercise for both my ideas and my mental energy flow.

Varios días en en ausencia, lo sé. Esto para mi es perdida cuando hablo de mantener un hábito de ejercicio tanto para mis ideas como para mi flujo de energía mental.


There was a time when I heard from "voices I no longer remember" the statement that writing in a journal helps to develop aspects such as: The organization of ideas, developing a better relationship with oneself along with self-knowledge, etc. Over time, I became aware of the truth in the above mentioned, all in relation to my beginnings and learning in music and the creation of songs.

There are times when my ideas fade, atrophy, become insane. I don't know if the delay of quality formation when it comes to writing is because of my inconstancy or, maybe, I'm just busy sometimes heh, heh.

Hubo un tiempo en el cual escuché de "voces que ya no recuerdo" la declaración de que escribir en un diario ayuda a desarrollar aspectos como: La organización de las ideas, desarrollar una mejor relación con uno mismo junto con el autoconocimiento, etc. Con el tiempo, me fui percatado de la veracidad en lo antes mencionado, todo en relación también con mis inicios y aprendizajes en la música y la creación de canciones.

Hay veces en las cuales mis ideas se desvanecen, se atrofian, se vuelven insensatas. No se si el atraso de formación de cualidad a la hora de escribir es a causa de mi inconstancia o, tal vez, solo este ocupado a veces je, je.




("I took these photos on my way to caracas on a short trip to pick up a couple of things for the move", these are all hills and valles) .

"Estas fotos las tomé camino a caracas en un viaje breve para buscar un par de cosas para la mudanza", todas estas son colinas y valles.



One aspect I like about my life is being able to get moments with good angles! The angles help to give a different vision to my perception, a focus on what I find beautiful and important. I apply the search for angles to capture important moments of nourishment, happiness or some point where the creation of an idea is unfolding. I think writing is a way to capture those angles of ideas and capture their meanings in words. My point is: "I really need to be stricter in my search for angles" writing is a method to drain the tension and find something beyond the conception we have of reality and as individuals.

Un aspecto que me agrada de mi vida es poder obtener momentos con buenos ángulos! Los ángulos ayudan a darle una visión distinta a mi percepción, un enfoque hacia lo que me parece hermoso e importante. La búsqueda de ángulos la aplico para captar momentos importantes de nutrición, felicidad o algún punto en donde se esté desarrollando la creación de una idea. Creo que escribir es una manera de captar esos ángulos de ideas y plasmar sus significados en palabras. Mi punto es: "De verdad necesito ser más estricto en esto de mi busqueda de ángulos" la escritura es un método para drenar la tensión y encontrar algo más allá de la concepcion que tenemos como de la realidad y como individuos.






I am observing the moments and the search for ideas as a method without precepts of schedules, but as a guide from the will.

For example, I finished writing this song at the end of December. It was a stanza no more than two months heh, heh, heh, I finished it with waves of creativity that came at night, morning, late but they came

Estoy observando los momentos y la búsqueda de ideas como un método sin preceptos de horarios, si no como una guía de parte de la voluntad.

Por ejemplo, esta canción la termine de escribír a finales de diciembre. Fue una estrofa no más de dos meses je, je, je, la termine con oleadas de creatividad que venían de noche, mañana, tarde pero llegaban.

Ideas take time, and the constancy of ideas also takes time. This has been the mechanism implemented in my procedure lately, it took more than a month with an unfinished sketch of a song, and now that I have finished it I am in doubt about the name, I think it would suit one like "creator of realities" or simply "realities", since this is a song based on processes of change of perception because of a level of consciousness that resides in passion and appreciation.

teLas ideas se toman su tiempo, y la constancia de las ideas también se toma su tiempo. Este ha sido el mecanismo implementado en mi proceder últimamente, tarde más de un mes con un boceto de canción inconclusa, y ahora que la termine ando en dudas con respecto al nombre, creo que le vendría bien uno como "creador de realidades" o simplemente "realidades", ya que esta es una canción basada en procesos de cambio de percepción a causa de un nivel de conciencia que reside en la pasión y la apreciación.

My "romantic" songs are a sort of fusion between declarations of love and affirmations more towards the realm of devotion. "Realities" is a singularity that narrates a vision of power when thinking about the ability to resurface for the support you get from the frenzy of adoration; poetry is partly an aesthetic form of pretentiousness.

I feel that knowing how to describe events with different forms of words is the key to variety, of course, that talking about the same point with different words is an equation that I accidentally resort to, although this is effective at certain moments it is also boring and redundant.

Mis canciones "románticas" son una especie de fusión entre las declaraciones de amor y afirmaciones más hacia el ámbito de la devoción. "Realidades" es una singularidad que narra una visión de poder cuando se piensa en la capacidad de resurgir por el apoyo que te brinda el frenesí por la adoración; la poesía es en parte una forma estética de la pretencion.

Siento que saber describir los sucesos con diversas formas de palabras es la clave para la variedad, por su puesto, que hablar del mismo punto con palabras distintas es una ecuación a la cual accidentalmente suelo recurrir, aunque esto es efectivo en ciertos momentos también es aburrido y redundante.



▶️ 3Speak



Oh my stubborn madness
Exchange of a frivolous sanity
Oh overwhelming flame
Fluidity in your tenderness delivered
Substantiated ideas are born of your love,
They beg to remain
A friction so desired preserved by translucent caresses
My embarrassed reflection
Eyes of full moon purify my pride
I could perceive near the absence of affliction
Transmuted in your airs every sigh creator of realities
I could reason with the delirium dicipandu the pain
Beyond the mind or the heart lies the truthfulness of being
The brightest phonemes hung
In the divinity of your neck
I love you exuberantly
Fear can lead us to the path we know how to avoid
With my complex manifest
Intransigent passion goes towards your adoration
The consecrated senizas
Reluciente is your infinite conscience
Euphoric songs of love emanating from a fountain of sorrow and pain
I could perceive near the absence of affliction
Transmuted in your airs every sigh creator of realities
I could reason with the delirium dicipandu the pain
Beyond the mind or the heart lies the truthfulness of being


Love the guitar playing, shame i can only understand english! Peace and Love!!


miss Time and us can be quite out of sync. I battle often with miss Time. She has her own mind, and in the end, it is I that needs to adapt. Am still seeking methods to be able to concur Time. Am looking forward to when I achieve that.

Thanks for your time writing this post for us. You are moving? Yea, you are moving, I read that in earlier posts of yours. But where are you moving to?

Though am not a musician of any kind, I have to be creative in my own way. Like writing kinda like marketing document for customers and such things like that. As to your experiences, I need time for this as well. First of all, I need time to get the different messages I like to bring across organised; Usually a task I do overtime by thinking about the task in 5 to 10 minutes moments whenever I feel like it. When I have this done, I need to wait till I'm too close to the deadline. Now the too little Time will push me to excel in the output. Too little time to execute will put my brain in 120% focus and will open everything I have to make the best decisions for the best output I can give. Have experienced this soo often with myself, and usually get more positive feedback on my work, when I apply the above. However, my colleagues try to force me to start writing in time. Whenever I give in to them, the result takes 1) much more time 2) usually a lower quality result.

Not sure about the quality of my writing here at HIVE. No time constraints, no colleagues nagging me, or a customer waiting for the finished post :)
