Do miners sell their coins?

A few days ago, a Bitcoin miner sent a huge amount of 4,400 BTC to Binance.

According to the data and figures, this is the fourth largest deal to the exchanges in the past two months.

At the same time, the analysis reveals that Bitcoin may already be close to its lower bound, although there are no clear indications about when the next bull market might be.

4,400 bitcoins have been transferred from the miner to Binance. This special treatment came from a prominent mining complex called Poolin.
According to CryptoQuant, this is the fourth largest transaction from miners to exchanges in the past two months.

Where there have been many previous transactions of roughly similar size, such as:

On May 12 (2600 BTC), June 16 (4700 BTC) and June 22 (5700 BTC).

Another analyst from CryptoQuant notes that the downtrend is currently being maintained.

He also acknowledged that Bitcoin is already close to the bottom area according to the MVRV Index, and explained:

Looking at the loss, we see that during a bear market, long periods of perception below the underlying cost find resistance to return to profitability.

This happens because network participants seek to exit the market by reducing their losses to zero.

This type of movement causes most currencies to sell back at their average price during recovery periods within a downward central trend.
